Call Number (LC) Title Results
JZ1480 Thinking about international ethics : moral theory and cases from American foreign policy /
American Global Strategy and the 'War on Terrorism'.
Foreign Policy and Congress : an International Relations Perspective.
The art of peace : engaging a complex world /
Inside the World of Diplomacy : the U.S. Foreign Service in a Changing World.
Choices for America in a turbulent world /
Advancing democracy abroad : why we should and how we can /
American diplomacy /
The logic of positive engagement /
Issues for Debate in American Foreign Policy.
Foreign policy issues for America : the Trump years /
US imperialism : the changing dynamics of global power /
America's allies and the decline of US hegemony /
Making foreign policy : presidential management of the decision-making process /
Bipartisanship and the making of foreign policy : a historical survey /
Coalition of the unwilling and unable : European realignment and the future of American geopolitics /
China and the U.S. : comparing global influence /
El legado de Trump en un mundo en crisis /
U.S. leadership in a world of uncertainties /
The neutrality imperative /
American hegemony in the 21st century : a neo neo-Gramscian perspective /
Power, information technology, and international relations theory : the power and politics of US foreign policy and the internet /
U.S. foreign policy and the politics of apology /
Mechanistic realism and US foreign policy : a new framework for analysis /
The demilitarization of American diplomacy : two cheers for striped pants /
Global perspectives on US democratization efforts from the outside in /
Estados Unidos : y la nueva correlaciĆ³n de fuerzas internacional /
The constitution of imperium /
Black diplomacy : African Americans and the state department, 1945-1969 /
Coping with caveats in coalition warfare : an empirical research program /
Think tanks : the brain trusts of US foreign policy /
Understanding the Department of State /
JZ1480.A15 F67i Foreign affairs manual 1
JZ1480.A3 J67 2007 Are Americans becoming more peaceful? / 1
JZ1480.A3 J67 2016 Are Americans becoming more peaceful? / 1
JZ1480 .A4 1999 U.S. Department of State : a reference history / 1
JZ1480 .A4 1999eb U.S. Department of State : a reference history / 1
JZ1480 .A4 2002 Inside the world of diplomacy : the U.S. Foreign Service in a changing world / 1
JZ1480 .A4 2012eb State of disrepair fixing the culture and practices of the State Department /
State of disrepair : fixing the culture and practices of the State Department /
JZ1480.A4 .M69 2003 Dangerous diplomacy : how the State Department threatens America's security / 2
JZ1480.A5 World Out of Balance : International Relations and the Challenge of American Primacy.
The Internationalists The Fight to Restore American Foreign Policy after Trump.
After 9/11 : leading political thinkers about the world, the U.S. and themselves : 17 conversations /
Rhetoric, media, and the narratives of US foreign policy : making enemies /
JZ1480.A5 A45 2010 America and a changed world : a question of leadership / 1
JZ1480.A5 A45 2010eb  
JZ1480.A5 C35 2008 Strategic US foreign assistance : the battle between human rights and national security / 1
JZ1480.A5 C35 2016 Strategic US foreign assistance : the battle between human rights and national security / 1
JZ1480.A5 C48 2018 Political tribes : group instinct and the fate of nations / 1
JZ1480.A5 C66 2021 Congress and U.S. foreign policy : activism, assertiveness, and acquiescence in a polarized era / 1
JZ1480.A5 D38 2008eb Catastrophic consequences : civil wars and American interests / 2
JZ1480.A5 D78 2005eb Economic sanctions and presidential decisions : models of political rationality / 2
JZ1480.A5 .E334 2018 Raising the flag : America's first envoys in faraway lands / 1
JZ1480.A5 E47 2018 Raising the flag : America's first envoys in faraway lands / 1