Call Number (LC) Title Results
JZ5540.2.P38 L56 1998 Linus Pauling on peace : a scientist speaks out on humanism and world survival : writings and talks by Linus Pauling / 1
JZ5540.2.Q5 H655 2007 Ludwig Quidde (1858-1941) : eine Biografie / 1
JZ5540.2.S66 S66 1999 Peace movements between the wars : one man's work for peace / 1
JZ5540.2 .W56 2013 My name is Jody Williams a Vermont girl's winding path to the Nobel Peace Prize /
My name is Jody Williams : a Vermont girl's winding path to the Nobel Peace Prize /
JZ5540.2.W65 L45 1998 Wollen wir unsere Hände in Unschuld waschen? : Gertrud Woker (1878-1968) Chemikerin & Internationale Frauenliga, 1915-1968 / 1
JZ5544 Peace in the ancient world : concepts and theories / 2
JZ5544 .C35 1919i Hellenic conceptions of peace 1
JZ5548 .B76 1998eb Varieties of pacifism : a survey from antiquity to the outset of the twentieth century / 1
JZ5548 .D35 2004 Peace talks : who will listen? / 1
JZ5548 .E334 2014eb Od Hirošimy po Bělehrad : válka a mír v druhé polovině 20. století / 1
JZ5548 .G58 2012 The glorious art of peace : from the Iliad to Iraq / 1
JZ5548 .M37 1939i Commonwealth or anarchy? a survey of projects of peace from the sixteenth to the twentieth century / 1
JZ5548 .N38 1996eb online A natural history of peace / 1
JZ5548 .P335 2019 Pacifism's Appeal : Ethos, History, Politics / 1
JZ5548 .R68 2018eb The Routledge handbook of pacifism and nonviolence / 2
JZ5548 .R684 2019 The Routledge history of world peace since 1750 / 2
JZ5548 .R684 2019eb The Routledge history of world peace since 1750 / 1
JZ5548 .S87 2010 Strengthening peace in post-civil war states : transforming spoilers into stakeholders / 1
JZ5548 .S874 2010 Strengthening peace in post civil war states : transforming spoilers into stakeholders / 1
JZ5548 .S874 2010eb Strengthening peace in post civil war states : transforming spoilers into stakeholders / 1