JZ5548 .G58 2012
The glorious art of peace : from the Iliad to Iraq / |
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JZ5548 .M37 1939i
Commonwealth or anarchy? a survey of projects of peace from the sixteenth to the twentieth century / |
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JZ5548 .N38 1996eb online
A natural history of peace / |
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JZ5548 .P335 2019
Pacifism's Appeal : Ethos, History, Politics / |
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JZ5548 .R68 2018eb
The Routledge handbook of pacifism and nonviolence / |
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JZ5548 .R684 2019
The Routledge history of world peace since 1750 / |
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JZ5548 .R684 2019eb
The Routledge history of world peace since 1750 / |
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JZ5548 .S87 2010
Strengthening peace in post-civil war states : transforming spoilers into stakeholders / |
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JZ5548 .S874 2010
Strengthening peace in post civil war states : transforming spoilers into stakeholders / |
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JZ5548 .S874 2010eb
Strengthening peace in post civil war states : transforming spoilers into stakeholders / |
1 |
JZ5548 .T76 2015eb
Mainstreaming pacifism : conflict, success, and ethics / |
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JZ5548 .T76 2016
Mainstreaming pacifism : conflict, success, and ethics / |
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JZ5548 ebook
Un mundo sin guerras : la idea de paz, de las promesas del pasado a las tragedias del presente / |
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The peace-maker, or, Great Brittaines blessing Fram'd for the continuance of that mightie happinesse wherein this kingdome excells many empires. Shewing the idlenesse of a quarrelling reputation wherein consists neyther manhood nor wisdome. Necessarie for all magistrates, officers of peace, masters of families, the confirmation of youth, and for all his Maiesties most true and faithfull subiects: to the generall auoyding of all contention and bloud-shedding. |
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JZ5552 .E79 2020
The guarantee of perpetual peace / |
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JZ5552 .K3613 1927i
Kant's perpetual peace a philosophical proposal / |
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JZ5552 .R66 1990
Reading Rousseau in the nuclear age / |
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JZ5552 ebook
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Paradoxes of peace in nineteenth century Europe / |
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JZ5554 .C43 1835i
A sermon on war delivered January 25, 1835 / |
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