Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
JZ5575 .N47 2008 | Religion and war resistance in the Plowshares movement / | 1 |
JZ5575 .N47 2008 JZ5575.N47 2008 | Religion and War Resistance in the Plowshares Movement. | 1 |
JZ5575 .N47 2008eb | Religion and war resistance in the Plowshares movement / | 1 |
JZ5575 .R43 2020eb | Realizing nonviolent resilience : neoliberalism, societal trauma, and marginalized voice / | 1 |
JZ5576 ebook | Memoria en sombra : la Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra (IRG/WRI) y la Guerra Civil EspanĚola / | 1 |
JZ5577.5 .R65 1999 | Silencing the opposition : antinuclear movements and the media in the Cold War / | 1 |
JZ5578 |
Peace and security : implications for women / Narrating the women, peace and security agenda : logics of global governance / Women, peace, & security in professional military education / Feminist peace research : an introduction / Gender, conflict, peace, and UNSC Resolution 1325 / Mujeres, paz y seguridad la Resolucion 1325 veinte anos despues. Female combatants after armed struggle : lost in transition? / Women's perspectives on human security : violence, environment, and sustainability / Gender and peacebuilding : all hands required / Women, peace and security : an introduction / Alva Myrdal : a pioneer in nuclear disarmament / Gender roles in peace and security prevent, protect, participate / Gender equality in UN peacekeeping : fact or fiction? / Gender in Peacebuilding : Local Practices in Indonesia and Nigeria / |
15 |
JZ5578 .A46 1993 | Peace as a women's issue : a history of the U.S. movement for world peace and women's rights / | 1 |
JZ5578 .A63 2007 | Women building peace : what they do, why it matters / | 1 |
JZ5578 .A67 2016 | Windows of opportunity : how women seize peace negotiations for political change / | 1 |
JZ5578 .A7 2004eb | As mothers of the land : the birth of the bougainville women for peace and freedom / | 1 |
JZ5578 .B355 2019 | Women, Development and Peacebuilding in Africa / | 1 |
JZ5578 .B57 2004 | No peace without freedom : race and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1915-1975 / | 1 |
JZ5578 .C38 1935i | Why wars must cease | 1 |
JZ5578 .C63 2012 | Antimilitarism political and gender dynamics of peace movements / | 1 |
JZ5578 .C66 1998 | Common grounds : violence against women in war and armed conflict situations / | 1 |
JZ5578 .C675 2012 |
Intelligent compassion : feminist critical methodology in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom / Intelligent compassion The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and feminist peace / |
3 |
JZ5578 .D86 2016 | Gender and peacebuilding / | 1 |
JZ5578 .F33 2004 | Faces : women as partners in peace and security. | 1 |
JZ5578 .F45 2021 | Feminist solutions for ending war / | 1 |