Call Number (LC) Title Results
JZ5584.G3 B745 2001 Why movements matter : the West German peace movement and U.S. arms control policy / 2
JZ5584.G3 E67 2012 "EntrĂ¼stet euch!" : Nuklearkrise, NATO-Doppelbeschluss und Friedensbewegung / 1
JZ5584.G3 L35 2001 The British peace movement, 1870-1914 / 1
JZ5584.G3 M55 2017 Greening democracy : the anti-nuclear movement and political environmentalism in West Germany and beyond, 1968-1983 / 2
JZ5584.G3 N83 2016 The nuclear crisis : the arms race, Cold War anxiety, and the German peace movement of the 1980s / 1
JZ5584.G3 N83 2016eb The nuclear crisis : the arms race, Cold War anxiety, and the German peace movement of the 1980s / 1
JZ5584.G7 Religious leaders and conflict transformation : Northern Ireland and beyond / 1
JZ5584.G7 B48 2009 Talking to terrorists : making peace in Northern Ireland and the Basque country / 1
JZ5584.G7 B73 2011 Religion, civil society, and peace in Northern Ireland / 1
JZ5584.G7 C43 2000 Semi-detached idealists : the British peace movement and international relations, 1854-1945 / 1
JZ5584.G7 G55 2008 Anti-war activism : new media and protest in the information age / 2
JZ5584.G7 N44 2013 Politics of security : British and West German protest movements and the early Cold War, 1945-1970 / 1
JZ5584.G7 T54 2017 Theories of international relations and Northern Ireland / 2
JZ5584.G74 C66 2013 Conflict and peacebuilding in the African Great Lakes Region / 2
JZ5584.G9 R45 Syntax. An Introduction. Volume II. 1
JZ5584.G9 R45 2009 Peace-building and development in Guatemala and Northern Ireland /
Peace-building and development in Guatemala and Northern Ireland
JZ5584.G9 S46 2007 The international politics of post-conflict reconstruction in Guatemala /
The international politics of post-conflict reconstruction in Guatemala
JZ5584.I4 Everyday peace? : politics, citizenship and Muslim lives in India /
Track two diplomacy between India and Pakistan : peace negotiations and initiatives /
Conflict management in Kashmir : state-people relations and peace /
JZ5584.I4 B57 2014 Managing conflicts in India : policies of coercion and accommodation / 1
JZ5584.I4 B57 2014eb Managing conflicts in India : policies of coercion and accommodation / 1