Call Number (LC) Title Results
JZ5665 .T53 2015 Nuclear weapons and international security : collected essays / 1
JZ5665 .U53 1974i Disarmament progress toward peace / 1
JZ5665 .U63 1975 The United States, China, and arms control / 1
JZ5665 .W35 2012 A perpetual menace : nuclear weapons and international order / 1
JZ5665 .W36 2021i Nuclear risk reduction engaging the non-NPT nuclear-armed states / 1
JZ5665 .W37 2013 The Obama administration's nuclear weapon strategy : the promises of Prague / 2
JZ5665 .W37 2014  
JZ5675 Joining the Non-Proliferation Treaty : Deterrence, Non-Proliferation and the American Alliance.
Nuclear nonproliferation and the United States /
Japan's nuclear identity and its implications for nuclear abolition /
Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation : towards a nuclear-weapon free world? /
China and international nuclear weapons proliferation : strategic assistance /
A Korean peninsula free of nuclear weapons : perspectives on socioeconomic development /
Nuclear Politics.
Over the Horizon Proliferation Threats.
Nuclear safeguards, security and nonproliferation : achieving security with technology and policy /
Transforming Nuclear Safeguards Culture The IAEA, Iraq, and the Future of Non-Proliferation.
Strengthening nuclear nonproliferation /
Global nuclear order /
Uncertain future : the JCPOA and Iran's nuclear and missile programmes /
Facing the missile challenge : U.S. strategy and the future of the INF Treaty /
A debate to remember : the US-India nuclear deal /
Analytical methods for nonproliferation /
State responses to nuclear proliferation the differential effects of threat perception /
The United States, Russia and nuclear peace
Sharing knowledge, shaping Europe : US technological collaboration and nonproliferation /
The US-India nuclear pact policy, process, and great power politics /
International nuclear export controls and non-proliferation : the collective action problem /
Japan's nuclear identity and its implications for nuclear abolition
U.S. policy toward the Korean peninsula /
Stopping the bomb : the sources and effectiveness of US nonproliferation policy /
Thinking about the unthinkable in a highly proliferated world /
Fission and fusion of allies : the ROK nuclear quest and U.S.-France competition and cooperation /
Seeking the bomb : strategies of nuclear proliferation /
Renegotiating the nuclear order : a sociological approach /
JZ5675 .A25 2012 Pakistan and the new nuclear taboo : regional deterrence and the international arms control regime / 1
JZ5675 .A46 2006i Nuclear nonproliferation IAEA safeguards and other measures to halt the spread of nuclear weapons and material : testimony before the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives / 1
JZ5675 .A53 2005 Eliminating weapons of mass destruction : prospects for effective international verification / 2
JZ5675 .A53 2005eb Eliminating weapons of mass destruction : prospects for effective international verification / 2
JZ5675 .A757 2000 Arms control and nonproliferation : issues and analyses / 1
JZ5675 .A88 2011 Assessing the effectiveness of the international counterproliferation program / 1
JZ5675 .A89 2008 At the nuclear precipice : catastrophe or transformation? / 1
JZ5675 .A89 2008eb At the nuclear precipice catastrophe or transformation? / 1
JZ5675 .B35 2007 Proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East / 1
JZ5675 .B36 2013eb Banning the bang or the bomb? : negotiating the nuclear test ban regime / 1
JZ5675 .B36 2014 Banning the bang or the bomb? : negotiating the nuclear test ban regime / 2
JZ5675 .B46 2024 Cultures of counterproliferation : the making of US and Israeli policy on Iran's nuclear program / 1