Call Number (LC) Title Results
JZ6009.A35 G75 2016eb U.S. security cooperation with Africa : political and policy challenges / 1
JZ6009.A35 M35 1987i Confidence-building measures in Africa 1
JZ6009.A35 O53 2021 Reimagining security communities : systems thinking approach for Africa / 1
JZ6009.A35 R68 2013eb Routledge handbook of African security 1
JZ6009.A35 T39 2019 Contemporary security issues in Africa / 2
JZ6009.A352 D57 2022 Security and international relations in Central Africa : a practitioner's perspective / 1
JZ6009.A355 NATO and the greater Maghreb : geopolitics, threats, and great powers / 1
JZ6009.A357 Security in Africa : a critical approach to western indicators of threat / 1
JZ6009.A357 M48 2016 Security in Africa : a critical approach to Western indicators of threat / 1
JZ6009.A36 N49 2010 New security threats and crises in Africa : regional and international perspectives / 2
JZ6009.A75 Asian security in the age of globalization /
The regional dimensions to security : other sides of Afghanistan /
Asia-Pacific Regional Security Assessment 2024 : Key developments and trends.
JZ6009.A75A45 2011 Asia-Pacific Security Dynamics in the Obama Era : a New World Emerging. 1
JZ6009.A75 A45 2012 Asia-Pacific security dynamics in the Obama era : a new world emerging / 1
JZ6009.A75 A45 2012eb Asia-Pacific security dynamics in the Obama era a new world emerging / 1
JZ6009.A75 A76 2013eb The Asia-Pacific century : challenges and opportunites / 2
JZ6009.A75 A77 2015 Asia's security / 1
JZ6009.A75 B55 2013 Bilateralism, multilateralism and Asia-Pacific security : contending cooperation / 1
JZ6009.A75 B55 2013eb Bilateralism, multilateralism and Asia-Pacific security : contending cooperation / 2
JZ6009.A75 C55 2015eb China's power and Asian security / 1
JZ6009.A75 C66 2010 Cooperative security in the Asia-Pacific : the ASEAN regional forum / 1