Call Number (LC) Title Results
JZ6009.E18 E66 2009eb Geopolitics and maritime territorial disputes in East Asia / 1
JZ6009.E18 E66 2010 Geopolitics and maritime territorial disputes in East Asia / 1
JZ6009.E18 I67 2008 Institutionalizing northeast Asia : regional steps towards global governance / 1
JZ6009.E18 K56 2017 Partnership within hierarchy : the evolving East Asian security triangle / 1
JZ6009 .E18 K67 2012 Korea and East Asia : the Stony Road to Collective Security. 1
JZ6009.E18 N49 2012 The nexus of economics, security, and international relations in East Asia / 1
JZ6009.E18 N67 2014 North Korea and Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia / 1
JZ6009.E18 N67 2016 North Korea and security cooperation in Northeast Asia / 1
JZ6009.E18 S43 2012 Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia : Architecture and Beyond. 1
JZ6009.E18 S43 2012eb Security cooperation in northeast Asia : architecture and beyond / 1
JZ6009.E18 T69 2016 Bipolarity and the future of the security order in East Asia / 1
JZ6009.E18 W45 2012 The East Asian peace conflict prevention and informal peacebuilding / 1
JZ6009.E83 O33 2022 The neighborhood effect : the imperial roots of regional fracture in Eurasia /
The Neighborhood Effect : The Imperial Roots of Regional Fracture in Eurasia.
JZ6009.E85 EU Security Strategies : Extending the EU System of Security Governance.
Europe's hybrid threats : what kinds of power does the EU need in the 21st century? /
Friedensgutachten 2021 : Europa kann mehr! /
Europe's common security and defence policy : capacity-building, experiential learning, and institutional change /
Friedensfähig in Kriegszeiten /
La Unión de Seguridad y Defensa.
JZ6009.E85 C375 2019 La Politica Di Sicurezza e Di Difesa Comune Dell'Unione Europea. 1
JZ6009.E85 C66 1988i Conventional disarmament in Europe 1
JZ6009.E85 C667 2021 LA UNION DE SEGURIDAD Y DEFENSA el futuro ya esta aqui. 1
JZ6009.E85 C67 2017eb Core Europe and Greater Eurasia : a roadmap for the future / 1
JZ6009.E85 E34 2016 The politics of security sector reform : challenges and opportunities for the European Union's global role / 1
JZ6009.E85 E86 2016 The EU, strategy and security policy : regional and strategic challenges / 1