Call Number (LC) Title Results
JZ6300 Overcoming obstacles to peace : local factors in nation-building /
Institutional reforms and peacebuilding : change, path-dependency and societal divisions in post-war communities /
Staat, Sicherheit und Gewalt in Kamerun : postkoloniale Perspektiven auf den Dekolonisierungsprozess unter französischer UN-Treuhandverwaltung /
Modernizing Repression : Police Training and Nation-Building in the American Century.
The challenge of nation-building : implementing effective innovation in the U.S. Army from World War II to the Iraq War /
International intervention and state-making : how exception became the norm /
Modernizing Repression Police Training and Nation-Building in the American Century.
Security, Development and the Fragile State : Bridging the Gap between Theory and Policy.
Strategic intelligence and civil affairs to understand legitimacy and insurgency : avoiding the stabilization trap /
Routledge handbook of environmental security /
Before military intervention : upstream stabilisation in theory and practice /
Public security, criminal justice, and reforming the security sector security and justice thematic paper /
Religion and post-conflict statebuilding : Roman Catholic and Sunni Islamic perspectives /
Economic planning and social justice in Third World countries /
Fragility, Aid, and State-building.
States of disorder, ecosystems of governance : complexity theory applied to UN statebuilding in the DRC and South Sudan /
Research handbook on post-conflict state building /
Open Budgets : the Political Economy of Transparency, Participation, and Accountability.
JZ6300 .A48 2007 After mass crime : rebuilding states and communities / 1
JZ6300 .A77 2012eb Assessing and restoring natural resources in post-conflict peacebuilding 1
JZ6300 .A87 2012 Assessing and restoring natural resources in post-conflict peacebuilding / 1
JZ6300 .B44 2007 The beginner's guide to nation-building / 1
JZ6300 .B44 2007eb The beginner's guide to nation-building /
The beginner's guide to nation-building
JZ6300 .B68 2014eb The European Union and Occupied Palestinian Territories : state-building without a state / 1
JZ6300 .C37 2010 Security, development, and the fragile state : bridging the gap between theory and policy / 1
JZ6300 .C37 2010eb Security, development, and the fragile state : bridging the gap between theory and policy / 1
JZ6300 .C53 2006 Empire in denial : the politics of state-building / 1
JZ6300 .C53 2006eb Empire in denial : the politics of state-building / 1
JZ6300 .C535 2010 International statebuilding : the rise of post-liberal governance / 1
JZ6300.C535 2010 International Statebuilding : the Rise of Post-Liberal Governance. 1
JZ6300 .C535 2010eb International statebuilding : the rise of post-liberal governance / 1
JZ6300 .C67 2011eb Corruption and post-conflict peacebuilding : selling the peace? / 1
JZ6300 .C67 2012 Corruption and post-conflict peacebuilding : selling the peace? / 1
JZ6300 .D54 2011 Dilemmas of intervention : social science for stabilization and reconstruction /
Dilemmas of intervention social science for stabilization and reconstruction /
JZ6300 .D55 2009 The dilemmas of statebuilding : confronting the contradictions of postwar peace operations / 1
JZ6300 .D55 2009eb The dilemmas of statebuilding confronting the contradictions of postwar peace operations / 1
JZ6300 .D65 2013 Overcoming obstacles to peace : local factors in nation-building / 1