Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1 .D86 The Advocate 1
K1.D86 The Advocate 1
K1 .D861i Advocate a monthly journal devoted to the science and art of legal practice, professional news and interests, and current legal thought. 1
K1.D861i Advocate a monthly journal devoted to the science and art of legal practice, professional news and interests, and current legal thought. 1
K1 .D862i Advocate of peace 1
K1.D862i Advocate of peace 1
K1 .D8625i Advocate of peace and Christian patriot 1
K1.D8625i Advocate of peace and Christian patriot 1
K1 .D863i Advocates' quarterly 1
K1.D863i Advocates' quarterly 1
K,1 Da,D The Kingdom - Series One. 1
K1 .E75i Aeronautical law journal 1
K1.E75i Aeronautical law journal 1
K1 .E96731i Annual survey of American law supplement 1
K1.E96731i Annual survey of American law supplement 1
K1 .F45i Affiliate 1
K1.F45i Affiliate 1
K1.F48 S57 1927 Sir Richard Muir, a memoir of a public prosecutor : intimate revelations compiled from the papers of Sir Richard Muir, late senior counsel to the British Treasury / 1
K1 .F665i African customary and religious law review 1
K1.F665i African customary and religious law review 1