Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1100 .G56 2021 Global financial collateral : a guide to security interests in securities, securities accounts and deposit accounts in international transactions / 1
K1100 .H45 2021 The law and economics of secured lending / 1
K1100 .I58 2017 International and comparative secured transactions law : essays in honour of Roderick A Macdonald /
International and comparative secured transactions law : essays in honour of Roderick A. Macdonald /
K1100 .I58i International secured transactions 1
K1100 .M329 2011 Secured credit and the harmonisation of law : the UNCITRAL experience / 1
K1100 .M33 2004 Secured credit under English and American law / 1
K1100 .M33 2004eb Secured credit under English and American law / 2
K1100 .R47 2015 Research handbook on secured financing in commercial transactions 1
K1100 .R47 2015i Research handbook on secured financing in commercial transactions 1
K1100 .R55 2011 Collateral knowledge : legal reasoning in the global financial markets / 1
K1100 .S43 1998 Securitization / 1
K1100 .U53 2010 Suppl. 2011i UNCITRAL legislative guide on secured transactions 1
K1100 .U53 2010i UNCITRAL legislative guide on secured transactions 1
K1100 .U53 2016i UNCITRAL model law on secured transactions 1
K1100 .U532 2009i UNCITRAL legislative guide on secured transactions: terminology and recommendations 1
K1100 .U534 2017i UNCITRAL model law on secured transactions guide to enactment. 1
K1100 .U538 2012i UNCITRAL, Hague Conference and UNIDROIT texts on security issues comparison and analysis of major features of international instruments relating to secured transactions / 1
K1100 .U55 2014i UNCITRAL guide on the implementation of a security rights registry 1
K1100 .V75 2008 Securitization law and practice : in the face of the credit crunch / 1
K1100 .W664 1995 Comparative law of security and guarantees / 1