Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
K1188.A7 F56 2018 | Maritime interception and the law of naval operations : a study of legal bases and legal regimes in maritime interception operations / | 1 |
K1188.A8 |
The law of wreck / Shipbreaking : hazards and liabilities / Maritime salvage operations and environmental protection / |
3 |
K1188.A8 E54 2013 | European ship recycling regulation entry-into-force implications of the Hong Kong Convention / | 1 |
K1188.A8 P375 2022 | Coastal state jurisdiction over ships in need of assistance, maritime casualties, and shipwrecks / | 1 |
K1188.A8 P88 2010eb | From shipbreaking to sustainable ship recycling : evolution of a legal regime / | 1 |
K1195.A6 ebook | El derecho del mar y las personas y grupos vulnerables / | 1 |
K1195 .N49 2021 | New maritime business : uncertainty, sustainability, technology and big data / | 1 |
K1196 |
Compendium of Maritime Labour Instruments : Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 ; Seafarers' Identity Documents (Revised) Convention, 2003 ; Work in Fishing Convention and Recommendation, 2007. Guidelines for Flag State Inspections Under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 : Maritime Labour Convention. International maritime labour law / |
3 |
K1196 .A35 2015eb | Compendium of maritime labour instruments. | 1 |
K1196.A42006 M37 2014 | The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 : international labour law redefined / | 1 |
K1196 .A98 2020 | The duty of the shipmaster to render assistance at sea under international law / | 1 |
K1196 .C37 2022 | Cartner on the international law of the shipmaster : on the new command at sea / | 1 |
K1196 .C48 2008eb | Maritime work law fundamentals : responsible shipowners, reliable seafarers / | 1 |
K1196 .C667 2015 | Compilación de los instrumentos sobre el trabajo marÃtimo. | 1 |
K1196 .H86 1931 | Entstehung und Entwicklung des Internationalen Sozialrechts der Seeleute. | 1 |
K1196 .L39 2015 | Law, labour, and empire : comparative perspectives on seafarers, c. 1500-1800 / | 2 |
K1197 .C68 1999eb | Voyages of abuse : seafarers, human rights and international shipping / | 1 |
K1197 .V69 1999 | Voyages of abuse : seafarers, human rights and international shipping / | 1 |
K1210 .G85 2009 | Guidelines for port state control officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 / | 1 |
K1214 .A23 1996eb | Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port. | 1 |