Call Number (LC) Title Results
K12 .A9849342i Law of Ukraine legal journal (Ukrainian) 1
K12.A9849342i Law of Ukraine legal journal (Ukrainian) 1
K12 .A98495i Law practice 1
K12.A98495i Law practice 1
K12 .A985 The Lawyers' journal. 1
K12.A985 The Lawyers' journal. 1
K12 .A985i Law quarterly review 1
K12.A985i Law quarterly review 1
K12 .A9851i Law recorder, containing reports of cases, and proceedings in the courts of law and equity, &c. &c. &c. at Dublin and elsewhere 1
K12.A9851i Law recorder, containing reports of cases, and proceedings in the courts of law and equity, &c. &c. &c. at Dublin and elsewhere 1
K12 .A98515i Law recorder, containing reports of select cases and decisions chiefly on points of practice in the courts of Equity and Common Law in Ireland 1
K12.A98515i Law recorder, containing reports of select cases and decisions chiefly on points of practice in the courts of Equity and Common Law in Ireland 1
K12 .A98518i The Law reporter journal de jurisprudence. 1
K12.A98518i The Law reporter journal de jurisprudence. 1
K12 .A985195i Law review 1
K12.A985195i Law review 1
K12 .A985196i Law review 1
K12.A985196i Law review 1
K12 .A9852i The law review and quarterly journal of British and foreign jurisprudence 1
K12.A9852i The law review and quarterly journal of British and foreign jurisprudence 1