Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1401 .C66 2021i Competition policy and intellectual property in today's global economy 1
K1401 .C666 2017 Comment protéger et promouvoir votre culture Guide pratique de la propriété intellectuelle pour les peuples autochtones et les communautés locales. 1
K1401 .C667 2013eb Concepts of property in intellectual property law / 3
K1401 .C67 2004 Intellectual property : omnipresent, distracting, irrelevant? / 1
K1401 .C676 2004 Intellectual property omnipresent, distracting, irrelevant? / 1
K1401 .C676 2004i Intellectual property omnipresent, distracting, irrelevant? / 1
K1401 .C68 2010eb Propriété intellectuelle et université : entre la libre circulation des idées et la privatisation des savoirs / 1
K1401 .C74 2011 Creativity, law and entrepreneurship / 1
K1401 .C745 2017 Creativity without law : challenging the assumptions of intellectual property / 1
K1401 .C75 2012i Criminal enforcement of intellectual property a handbook of contemporary research / 1
K1401 .C76 2010 Global issues in intellectual property law / 1
K1401 .C76 2010i Global issues in intellectual property law 1
K1401 .C86 2009 "Culture" and culture : traditional knowledge and intellectual rights / 1
K1401 .C867 2010 The Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in International Law of Intellectual Property / 1
K1401 .C87 2010 The protection of biodiversity and traditional knowledge in international law of intellectual property / 1
K1401 .D38 2015 Owning the world of ideas : intellectual property and global network capitalism / 1
K1401 .D475 2009 The development agenda : global intellectual property and developing countries / 2
K1401 .D475 2009i The development agenda global intellectual property and developing countries / 1
K1401 .D48 2005 Developments in the economics of copyright : research and analysis / 1
K1401 .D547 2017 Grounds of the immaterial : conflict-based approach to intellectual rights / 1