Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1401 .I5566 2010 Intellectual property for integrated circuits / 1
K1401 .I55673 2016i Intellectual property and access to im/material goods 1
K1401 .I5568 2018 Intellectual property and clean energy : the Paris Agreement and climate justice / 1
K1401 .I557 2005 Intellectual property and development : lessons from recent economic research / 1
K1401 .I55735 2015 Intellectual property and general legal principles : is IP a lex specialis? / 1
K1401 .I55735 2015i Intellectual property and general legal principles is IP a lex specialis? / 1
K1401 .I5574 2011 Intellectual property and human development : current trends and future scenarios / 1
K1401 .I5577 2005 Intellectual property and private international law : heading for the future / 1
K1401 .I557725 2009 Intellectual property and sustainable development : development agendas in a changing world / 1
K1401 .I557728 2013 Intellectual property and the common law / 1
K1401 .I5577285 2014 Intellectual property and the Internet : a global guide to protecting intellectual property online / 1
K1401 .I55773 2008 Intellectual property and traditional cultural expressions in a digital environment / 1
K1401 .I557733 2021 Intellectual property as a complex adaptive system : the role of IP in the innovation society / 1
K1401 .I55774 2006 The intellectual property debate : perspectives from law, economics and political economy / 1
K1401 .I55775 2009 Intellectual property enforcement : international perspectives / 1
K1401 .I557754 2015 Intellectual property, entrepreneurship and social justice : from swords to ploughshares / 1
K1401 .I557754 2015i Intellectual property, entrepreneurship and social justice from swords to ploughshares / 1
K1401 .I557755 2022 Intellectual property excesses : exploring the boundaries of IP protection / 1
K1401 .I55776 2008 Intellectual property, growth and trade / 1
K1401 .I55778 2013 Intellectual property in common law and civil law / 1