Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1385.A6 O93 2011  
K1385.A6 O93 2012eb Out-of-court debt restructuring /
Out-of-court debt restructuring
K1385 .D43 2011 Debt restructuring / 1
K1388 .D35 Compositions in bankruptcy. A comparative study of the laws of the E.E.C. countries, England and the U.S.A. 1
K1395 Financing company group restructurings / 1
K1395 .F56 2015i Financing company group restructurings 1
K1395 .G48i  
K1395 .R47 1998 Rescue of companies : the role of shareholders, creditors and the administrator / 1
K1395 .R474 2021 Research handbook on corporate restructuring / 1
K1397.F56 Resolution and insolvency of banks and financial institutions / 1
K1397.F56 S353 2016i Resolution and insolvency of banks and financial institutions 1
K1401 The economics of intellectual property and openness : the tragedy of intangible abundance /
No Trespassing : Authorship, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Boundaries of Globalization.
The work and play of the mind in the information age whose property? /
A philosophy of intellectual property /
Revista da OMPI.
Propiedad Intelectual e Innovación Basada en Los Datos .
Wet en Duiding Intellectuele eigendom : Reeks Economisch recht - 1.
Compatibility of transactional resolutions of antitrust proceedings with due process and fundamental rights & online exhaustion of IP rights /
Intellectual property and clean energy : the Paris Agreement and climate justice /
Multi-dimensional approaches towards new technology : insights on innovation, patents and competition /
Terms of Use Negotiating the Jungle of the Intellectual Commons
Rapport sur la propriété intellectuelle dans le monde 2022 : la trajectoire de l'innovation.
World Intellectual Property Report 2022 : executive summary : the direction of innovation.
Concepts of property in intellectual property law /
Intellectual property and financing strategies for technology startups /
Intellectual property and innovation protection : new practices and new policy issues /
Domain name law and practice : an international handbook /
TRIPS plus 20 from trade rules to market principles /
Intellectual property, design innovation, and entrepreneurship /
Computer Software and Information Licensing in Emerging Markets.
New Frontiers in the Philosophy of Intellectual Property.
An economic analysis of intellectual property rights infringement : field studies in developing countries.
Test tubes for global intellectual property issues : small market economies /
Owning the World of Ideas : Intellectual Property and Global Network Capitalism /
A critical guide to intellectual property /
The Oxford handbook of intellectual property law /
Nanotechnology intellectual property rights : research, design, and commercialization /
La propriété intellectuelle pour tout le monde : Rapport du directeur général aux assemblées 2021 de l'OMPI.
O que é propriedade intelectual?
OMPI magazine.
OMPI Magazine.
Règlements et clauses de médiation, d'arbitrage, et d'arbitrage accéléré de l'OMPI.
Modes extrajudiciaires de règlement des litiges entre entreprises en matière de droit d'auteur et de contenu numérique : rapport sur les résultats de l'enquête OMPI-MCST : avec l'appui financier du Ministère de la culture, des sports et du tourisme (MCST) de la République de Corée.
Promover el desarrollo del turismo mediante la propiedad intelectual.
Global Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in Science and Technology.
Intellectual commons and the law : a normative theory for commons-based peer production /
Standard-setting organisations' IPR policies : intellectual property and competition issues /
Justifying intellectual property
Research handbook on intellectual property and cultural heritage /
STREAMING AND COPYRIGHT LAW an end-user perspective.
Die haftung der intermediäre im internationalen immaterialgüterrecht vorgaben und grenzen von territorialitätsprinzip und schutzlandanknüpfung /
Intellectual property : the lifeblood of your company /
El Necesario Reequilibrio de la Compensación Equitativa Por Copia Privada en el Mercado único Digital
Works for works.
Reforming intellectual property /
The development agenda global intellectual property and developing countries /
The Common Law of Intellectual Property : Essays in Honour of Professor David Vaver.
The subject matter of intellectual property /
Intellectual property rights : legal and economic challenges for development /
Intellectual property and free trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific Region /
Intellectual property rights and climate change : interpreting the TRIPS Agreement for environmentally sound technologies /
The liability of internet intermediaries /
Research handbook on intellectual property in media and entertainment /
Politica criminal de la propiedad intelectual aspectos globales e internos.
Security rights in intellectual property
Intellectual property protection for plant related innovation : fit for future? /
Intellectual property, COVID-19, and the next pandemic diagnosing problems, developing cures /
Intellectual property, innovation and economic inequality
Trade related aspects of intellectual property rights : a commentary on the TRIPS agreement /
Intellectual property and general legal principles : is IP a lex specialis? /
International intellectual property a handbook of contemporary research /
The new intellectual property of health : beyond plain packaging /
Research handbook on intellectual property exhaustion and parallel imports /
User generated law : re-constructing intellectual property law in a knowledge society /
Security interests in intellectual property /
Intellectual property rights and global capitalism : the political economy of the TRIPS agreement /
Guidelines for designing an IP survey.
OMPI revista.
Méthodologie pour l'élaboration de stratégies nationales de propriété intellectuelle.
La propriété intellectuelle comme levier du développement du tourisme.
Innovation driving human progress : WIPO and the sustainable development goals.
WIPO Magazine.
Guidelines to using evidence from research to support policymaking.
Ein Leitfaden für die wichtigsten WIPO-Dienstleistungen.
Informe mundial sobre la propiedad intelectual 2022 : la dirección de la innovación.
World Intellectual Property Report 2022 : the direction of innovation.
Reglamentos de mediación, arbitraje y arbitraje acelerado y cláusulas de la OMPI.
Mecanismos de solución alternativa de controversias entre empresas en materia de derechos de autor y contenido digital : informe sobre los resultados de la encuesta OMPI-MCST : Con apoyo financiero del Ministerio de Cultura, Deporte y Turismo de la República de Corea (por sus siglas en inglés MCST).
Guide des principaux services de l'OMPI.
OMPI Revista.
Guide pour la réalisation d'enquêtes sur la propriété intellectuelle.
Modes extrajudiciaires de règlement des litiges entre entreprises en matière de droit d'auteur et de contenu numérique : rapport sur les résultats de l'enquête OMPI-MCST : résumé /
Revista de la OMPI.
Intellectual Property Offices and Sustainable innovation : Implementing the SDGs in National Intellectual Property Systems /
Guía para elaborar análisis de género a partir de datos sobre innovación y PI
Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms for business-to-business digital copyright and content-related disputes : a report on the results of the WIPO-MCST survey: executive summary.
Batman forever? : the economics of overlapping rights /
Methodology for the Development of National Intellectual Property Strategies.
WIPO collection of leading judgments on intellectual property rights : members of the African Intellectual Property Organization (1997-2018) /
IP for the good of everyone : report of the Director General to the 2021 WIPO assemblies.
¿Qué es la propiedad intelectual?.
Expresión creativa : introducción al derecho de autor y los derechos conexos para las pequeñas y medianas empresas.
Mecanismos de solución extrajudicial de controversias utilizados por las empresas en controversias de derecho de autor en el entorno digital : informe sobre los resultados de la encuesta de la OMPI-MCST : resumen /
Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms for Business-to-Business Digital Copyright and Content-Related Disputes A report on the results of the WIPO-MCST Survey : with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea (MCST).
WIPO magazine.
Qu'est-ce que la propriété intellectuelle?.
Directrices para el uso de las pruebas aportadas por la investigación con el fin de respaldar la formulación de políticas.
L'OMPI et les objectifs de développement durable : Innovation, moteur du progrès humain.
Lignes directrices sur l'utilisation des données issues de la recherche dans l'élaboration des politiques.
La OMPI y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible : la innovación hace avanzar a la humanidad.
Metodología para la elaboración de estrategias nacionales de propiedad intelectual.
Recreating creativity, reinventing inventiveness : challenges facing intellectual property law /
Sustainability objectives in competition and intellectual property law /
Understanding and profiting from intellectual property in international business : strategies across borders /
Global intellectual property protection and new constitutionalism : hedging exclusive rights /
Intellectual property rights in science, technology, and economic performance : international comparisons /
Research handbook on cross-border enforcement of intellectual property
Information environmentalism : a governance framework for intellectual property rights /
Research handbook on intellectual property and creative industries /
Intellectual Property, Human Rights and Development the Role of NGOs and Social Movements.
Intellectual property and the judiciary /
Research handbook on intellectual property and artificial intelligence /
Intellectual property and the law of ideas /
Identification and motivation of high potentials to keep their intellectual property in the company.
K1401-1578 Biotech Patents.
Data Protection Law
Intellectual Property Law in Asia. Max Planck Series on Asian Intellectual Property Law, Volume 5.
K1401-1578.25 Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology : Insights on Innovation, Patents and Competition /
The future of law and eTechnologies
Competition on the internet
Complications and quandaries in the ICT sector : standard essential patents and competition issues /
Big data in context : legal, social and technological insights /
E-Commerce Law in Europe and the USA /
K1401.A13 W57 WIPO magazine / 1
K1401.A15 Intellectual property & antitrust in ... jurisdictions worldwide 1
K1401.A15 C37 CASRIP newsletter. 1
K1401.A15 ebook Actas de derecho industrial y derecho de autor. 1
K1401.A15 I58 International intellectual property law & policy. 1
K1401.A15 I582 Intellectual property law and policy. 1