Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1401.A41994 I58 2008eb Interpreting and implementing the TRIPS agreement is it fair? / 1
K1401.A41994 I58 2008i Interpreting and implementing the TRIPS agreement is it fair? / 1
K1401.A41994 I58 2016 Intellectual property and international trade : the TRIPs agreement / 1
K1401.A41994 I588 2008 Interpreting and implementing the TRIPS agreement : is it fair? / 1
K1401.A41994 .K65 2000 TRIPs agreement : patent protection / Peter L. Kolker. 1
K1401.A41994 M35 2014 The WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights : a commentary / 1
K1401.A41994 M35 2014i The WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights a commentary / 1
K1401.A41994 .S74 2000 TRIPs agreement : copyright and related items / 1
K1401.A41994 T38 2011 A practical guide to working with TRIPS / 1
K1401.A41994 T38 2011eb A practical guide to working with TRIPS / 1
K1401.A41994 T75 2014i TRIPS and developing countries towards a new IP world order? / 1
K1401.A41994 T7513 2009 WTO : trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights / 1
K1401.A41994 W8613 2009eb WTO--trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights / 1
K1401.A5 B66 2017i Form in Intellectual Property Law 1
K1401.A51 E44 1985  
K1401 .A55 1992 Global dimensions of intellectual property rights in science and technology / 1
K1401 .A55 1992eb Global dimensions of intellectual property rights in science and technology / 1
K1401.A55 G56 1993 Global dimensions of intellectual property rights in science and technology / 1
K1401.A6 Intellectual Property Law and Policy, Volume 11. 1
K1401.A6 A447 1977 Two hundred years of English and American patent, trademark, and copyright law : papers delivered at the bicentennial symposium of the Section of Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, August 9, 1976, American Bar Association. 1