Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1401.A15 J68i Journal of commercial and intellectual property law 1
K1401.A15 J685i Journal of world intellectual property 1
K1401.A15 R66i Romanian Journal of Intellectual Property Law Revista română de dreptul proprietăţii intelectuale. 1
K1401.A15 S64 Special 301 report / 1
K1401.A15 W67 World intellectual property report. 1
K1401.A15 Y43 The year in IP : almanac. 1
K1401.A35 A4 1997 The TRIPS agreement and developing countries / 1
K1401.A35 G65 2000 International legal materials on intellectual property / 1
K1401.A35 G65 2002 International legal materials on intellectual property / 1
K1401.A35 I56 Intellectual property laws and treaties / 1
K1401.A35 I57 1990 International treaties on intellectual property / 2
K1401.A35 I57 1997 International treaties on intellectual property / 1
K1401.A4 1994 Y36 2011 Interpreting TRIPS : Globalisation of Intellectual Property Rights and Access to Medicines. 1
K1401.A41994 B76 2000 TRIPs agreement : enforcement of intellectual property rights / 1
K1401.A41994 C675 2007 Trade related aspects of intellectual property rights : a commentary on the TRIPS agreement / 1
K1401.A41994 D44 2009 The implementation game : the TRIPS agreement and the global politics of intellectual property reform in developing countries / 1
K1401.A41994D44 2009 The Implementation Game : the TRIPS Agreement and the Global Politics of Intellectual Property Reform in Developing Countries. 1
K1401.A41994 G47 2003 The TRIPS agreement : drafting history and analysis / 1
K1401.A41994 G47 2008 The TRIPS agreement : drafting history and analysis / 1
K1401.A41994 I58 2008 Intellectual property and international trade : the TRIPs agreement / 1