Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1443.C6 A14i International intellectual property protection for computer software a research guide and annotated bibliography / 1
K1443.C6 A55 1988 Symposium, intellectual property protection of computer technology. 1
K1443.C6 B359 2011eb Interfaces on trial 2.0 / 1
K1443.C6 B36 1995 Interfaces on trial : intellectual property and interoperability in the global software industry / 1
K1443.C6 B36 2018 Interfaces on trial : intellectual property and interoperability in the global software industry / 1
K1443.C6 B362 2011 Interfaces on trial 2.0 / 1
K1443.C6 C56 1993 Softwars : the legal battles for control of the global software industry / 2
K1443.C6 D66i Domain names - global practice and procedure 1
K1443.C6 D73 1994 What is protected in a computer program? : copyright protection in the United States and Europe / 1
K1443.C6 .O366 2016  
K1443.C6 P45 2009 The software license unveiled : how legislation by license controls software access / 1
K1443.C6 P48 2009eb The software license unveiled : how legislation by license controls software access / 1
K1443.C6 R66 2010 The software interface between copyright and competition law : a legal analysis of interoperability in computer programs / 1
K1443.C6 S54 2017 Beyond the code : protection of non-textual features of software / 1
K1443.C6 S54 2017i Beyond the code protection of non-textual features of software / 1
K1443.C6 S7 2004 Understanding open source and free software licensing / 2
K1443.D37 Copyright, data and creativity in the digital age : a journey through Feist /
The copyright law of spatial data /
K1443.D37 D47 2008i The legal protection of databases a comparative analysis / 1
K1443.D7 M55 2018 Copyright and the value of performance, 1770-1911 / 2
K1443.D7 W45 1912i Stage copyright at home and abroad 1