Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1443.M33 M33 1983 International study of copyright of bibliographic records in machine-readable form : a report prepared for the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions / 1
K1443.P83 The digital public domain foundations for an open culture /
The digital public domain : foundations for an open culture /
K1443.P83 F74 2007 Freedom of culture : regulation and privatization of intellectual property and public space / 1
K1443.P83 F88 2006 The future of the public domain : identifying the commons in information law / 1
K1447.15 Toward a more balanced approach : rethinking and readjusting copyright systems in the digital network era / 1
K1447.15 .B67 2013 Copyright and mass digitization : a cross-jurisdictional perspective / 1
K1447.15 .D73 2015 What's wrong with copying? / 1
K1447.15 .D73 2015eb What's wrong with copying? / 1
K1447.15 .G55 2007 Wired shut : copyright and the shape of digital culture / 3
K1447.15 .G55 2007eb Wired shut : copyright and the shape of digital culture / 2
K1447.15 .S66 1980 Copies in copyright / 1
K1447.25 .G74 2018 Public rights : copyright's public domains / 1
K1447.25 .G74 2018eb Public rights : copyright's public domains / 2
K1447.37 .S25 2020 Broadcasters' rights in the digital era : copyright concerns on live streaming / 2
K1447.7 .T35 2021 Copyright law and translation : access to knowledge in developing economies / 1
K1447.95 The social life of sound / 1
K1447.95 . A955 2017eb Digitale Kultur zum Pauschaltarif? : Anlass, Inhalt und Grenzen einer Vision für das Urheberrecht der Zukunft / 1
K1447.95 .C67 2014eb Ciberespacio amenazado : necesidad de leyes de protección a la privacidad / 1
K1447.95 .D54 2005 Digital rights management : the end of collecting societies? / 1
K1447.95 .E96 2014eb The evolution and equilibrium of copyright in the digital age / 2