K1490 .L469 1986
Design protection in practice : a comparative analysis / |
1 |
K1490 .M66 2023
Protecting creativity in fashion design : US laws, EU design rights, and other dimensions of protection / |
1 |
K1490 .R47 2021i
Research handbook on design law |
1 |
K1490 ebook
La moda y la propiedad intelectual : una mirada desde la perspectiva de los diseños industriales en Colombia, Francia y la Unión Europea / |
1 |
K1500 .A323 1977
Die Aufgaben des wissenschaftlich-technischen Rechtsschutzes bei der Gestaltung der entwickelten sozialistischen Gesellschaft. |
1 |
K1500.A35 R54 2016
Protection against unfair competition in the WTO TRIPS Agreement : the scope and prospects of Article 10bis of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property / |
1 |
K1500.A41883 R53 2015
The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property : a commentary / |
1 |
K1500.A51 I53 1996
Ei-Wa tokkyo yōgo jiten = The English-Japanese dictionary of patent terms / |
1 |
K1500.A53 I52
Industrial property statistics. Statistiques de propriété industrielle. Publication A. |
1 |
K1500.A56 S95
Erosion of industrial property rights. |
1 |
K1500 .K36 1997
Unfair competition law : the protection of intellectual and industrial creativity / |
1 |
K1500 .L32
Patents, trademarks, and related rights : national and international protection / |
1 |
K1500 .M58 2005
The intellectual commons : toward an ecology of intellectual property / |
2 |
K1500 .P78 1997eb
Diccionario de la propiedad industrial alemán-español, Spanisch-Deutsch / |
1 |
K1500.Z9 ebook
Protección jurisdiccional y observancia de la propiedad industrial y de los derechos de autor / |
1 |
K1500 ebook
Derecho de patentes / |
1 |
K1501 .P38 2010i
Patents |
1 |
Patents in ... jurisdictions worldwide |
1 |
K1503 .D47i
Derwent world patents index |
1 |
K1503 .N45 2007
International patent treaties : with commentary / |
1 |