Call Number (LC) Title Results
K1830 Hazard or hardship : crafting global norms on the right to refuse unsafe work /
Modelli organizzativi ai sensi del d. lgs. n. 231/2001 e tutela della salute e della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro /
The regulator-regulatee relationship in high-hazard industry sectors : new actors and new viewpoints in a conservative landscape /
K1830 .A48 2001eb Ambient factors in the workplace / 1
K1830.A6 Report of the committee of experts on the application of conventions and recommendations : (articles 19, 22, and 35 of the Constitution) : third item on the agenda : information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations / 1
K1830 .C36 2019eb The politics and practice of occupational health and safety law enforcement 1
K1830 .C65 2018i The scales of weighing regulatory costs technology, geography, and time / 1
K1830 .L39 1949i The law and practice relating to safety in factories 1
K1830 .M57 2020 Workplace mental health law : comparative perspectives / 1
K1837.A57 U563 2012i Drafting model laws on indoor pollution for developing and developed nations 1
K1841 Patterns of exploitation : understanding migrant worker rights in advanced democracies / 1
K1841.A46 Living on the margins : undocumented migrants in a global city /
Race, gender and contemporary international labor migration regimes : 21st-century coolies? /
Migrants at work : immigration and vulnerability in labour law /
K1841.A46 A15 2017 The global employer : focus on global immigration and mobility, 2017-2018 / 1
K1841.A46 A15 2019 The global employer : focus on global immigration and mobility, 2019-2020 / 1
K1841.A46 C48 1997 Migrant workers in international human rights law : their protection in countries of employment / 1
K1841.A46 G84 2013i Guest worker programs Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Russian Federation, South Korea, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom; European Union, EU-Turkey Association Agreement, International Labour Organization. 1
K1841.A46 M54 2014 Migrants at work : immigration and vulnerability in labour law / 1
K1841.A46 M54 2014i Migrants at work immigration and vulnerability in labour law / 1
K1841.A46 M544 2017 Migrant labour and the reshaping of employment law / 1
K1841.A46 R33 2022i Race, gender and contemporary international labor migration regimes 21st century coolies? / 1
K1841.A46 T38 2021eb Law, migration, and precarious labour : ecotechnics of the social / 1
K1841.A46.T467 2016 Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era : the Regulatory Challenges. 1