Call Number (LC) Title Results
K184.2 .P68 1889i The lays of a limb of the law 1
K184.2 .R43 1790i Strictures on the lives and characters of the most eminent lawyers of the present day including, among other celebrated names, those of the Lord Chancellor, and the twelve judges / 1
K184.2 .R93 1988 Legal legends and other true stories / 1
K184.2 .S36 1806i A faithful report of the trial of Hurdy Gurdy tried and convicted of a seditious libel in the court of King's Bench, on the testimony of French Horn, the approver : with the arguments of counsel, and the charge of the learned chief justice to the jury. 1
K184.2 .S43 Sir Walter, the earl of Chatham, or, Call your next case / 1
K184.2 .S77 1919 The bench and bar of England / 1
K184.2.S771919i The bench and bar of England 1
K184.2 .T46 1895i Middle Temple table talk with some talk about the table itself / 1
K184.2 .W37 The experiences of a barrister / 1
K184.2 .W38 1902i Gleanings from the wisdom of Lord Watson 1
K184.2 .W53 1825i Mornings at Bow Street a selection of the most humourous and entertaining reports which have appeared in the Morning Herald / 1
K184.2 .W55 Leaves of a life, being the reminiscences of Montagu Williams. 1
K184.2 .W55 1896i Lyrics of Lincoln's Inn with notes for the benefit of the unlearned / 1
K184.2 .W56 1891 Later leaves, being the further reminiscences of Montagu Williams, Q. C. 1
K184.2 .W57 1887r Legal facetiae : satirical and humorous / 1
K184.5 ebook La vida del abogado / 1
K184.7 .S68 1903i On circuit in Kafirland and other sketches and studies / 1
K190 Primitive Law, Past and Present.
Indigenous Cultural Heritage and Intellectual Property Rights : Learning from the New Zealand Experience?
Ancient Law.
K190.A2 L36 Law & anthropology : international yearbook for legal anthropology. 1
K190 .A3 1985 History and power in the study of law : new directions in legal anthropology / 2