Call Number (LC) Title Results
K212 .Z35 2013 Game theory in jurisprudence / 1
K212 .Z35 2013eb Game theory in jurisprudence / 1
K212 .Z5613 2008 Introduction to German legal methods / 1
K212 ebook Argumentación jurídica práctica : el Neotrivium, una concepción propedéutica contemporánea /
Estructuralismo y derecho /
Metodología de la investigación jurídica : propuestas contemporáneas /
En busca de lo implícito : ensayos sobre razonamiento e interpretación en el derecho /
Jurisprudencia de intereses /
Metodología jurídica /
Algunos conceptos jurídicos aplicados al razonamiento jurídico /
Normas jurídicas y análisis lógico /
Metodología del derecho /
El método funcional en el derecho /
Derecho, reglas y teoría de los actos de habla /
Retórica para juristas /
Argumentación : derecho y lógica : introducción lógico filosófica al estudio de la argumentación jurídica /
La metodología jurídica en el siglo XIX /
K213 Creating legal worlds : story and style in a culture of argument /
Law in the time of oxymora : a synesthesia of language, logic and law /
Legal translation between English and Arabic /
A primer on legal reasoning /
Introduction to the semantics of law
Legal pragmatics /
Constructing legal discourses and social practices : issues and perspectives /
AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems complex systems, the semantic web, ontologies, argumentation, and dialogue : international workshops AICOL-I/IVR-XXIV Beijing, China, September 19, 2009 and AICOL-II/JURIX 2009, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, December 16, 2009 : revised selected papers /
PHENOMENOLOGY OF MODERN LEGAL DISCOURSE the juridical production and the disclosure of suffering.
Sprache und Recht /
Linguistics for legal interpretation
Comparative Law - Engaging Translation.
Law and cognitive linguistics : a prototype theory approach to legal categorisation /
Legal signs fascinate : Kevelson's research on semiotics /
Implicatures within legal language /
Corpus-Based Translation of Private Legal Documents
Creating Legal Worlds : Story And Style In A Culture Of Argument.
New insights into the semantics of legal concepts and the legal dictionary /
The logic of legal argumentation : multi-modal perspectives /
The reasonable person : a legal biography /
La Comunicación Jurídica Clara y la Innovación Docente .
Phraseology in legal and institutional settings : a corpus-based interdisciplinary perspective /
Legal translation explained /
Researching forensic linguistics : approaches and applications /
AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems models and ethical challenges for legal systems, legal language and legal ontologies, argumentation and software agents : International Workshop AICOL-III, held as Part of the 25th IVR Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, August 15-16, 2011 : revised selected papers /
Judges and the language of law why governments across the world have increasingly lost in court /
Rhetorical processes and legal judgments : how language and arguments shape struggles for rights and power /
Law and language in the Middle Ages /
Fondazioni e banche.
Law and language /
Litigation communication : crisis and reputation management in the legal process /
AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems : AICOL International Workshops 2015-2017: AICOL-VI@JURIX 2015, AICOL-VII@EKAW 2016, AICOL-VIII@JURIX 2016, AICOL-IX@ICAIL 2017, and AICOL-X@JURIX 2017, Revised Selected Papers /
The Pragmatic Turn in Law : Inference and Interpretation in Legal Discourse.
Signs in law -- a source book : the semiotics of law in legal education III /
AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems : AICOL 2013 International Workshops, AICOL-IV@IVR, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, July 21-27, 2013 and AICOL-V@SINTELNET-JURIX, Bologna, Italy, December 11, 2013, Revised Selected Papers /
Meaning and power in the language of law /
Saggi sull'argomentazione giuridica /
Normas y justificacion una investigacion logica.
Past and present interactions in legal reasoning and logic /
Legal persuasion : a rhetorical approach to the science /
Intersemiotic legal translation
Deontic logic and legal systems /
Legal reasoning and legal theory
Philosophical foundations of language in the law
Decoding international law semiotics and the humanities /
Legal translation outsourced /
Archaeology of logic /
Epistemology and method in law /
K213 .A3 2018 AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems : AICOL International Workshops 2015-2017: AICOL-VI@JURIX 2015, AICOL-VII@EKAW 2016, AICOL-VIII@JURIX 2016, AICOL-IX@ICAIL 2017, and AICOL-X@JURIX 2017, Revised Selected Papers / 1
K213 .A42 1989 Logic for lawyers : a guide to clear legal thinking / 1
K213 .A42 1997 Logic for lawyers : a guide to clear legal thinking / 1
K213 .A425 2008 Demystifying legal reasoning / 1
K213 .A425 2008eb Demystifying legal reasoning / 1
K213 .A4313 1989 A theory of legal argumentation : the theory of rational discourse as theory of legal justification / 1
K213 .A47 2015 The tapestry of reason : an inquiry into the nature of coherence and its role in legal argument / 1
K213 .A5 2021 AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems XI-XII : AICOL International Workshops 2018 and 2020 : AICOL-XI@JURIX 2018, AICOL-XII@JURIX 2020, XAILA@JURIX 2020 : revised selected papers / 1
K213 .A53 1996 "Discovery" in legal decision-making / 1
K213 .A738 2015eb Parola di avvocato : L'eloquaenza forense in Italia tra Cinque e Ottocento. 1
K213 .A749 1997eb Derecho y argumentación / 1
K213 .A753 1998 A theory of legal sentences / 2
K213 .A84 2016 The Ashgate handbook of legal translation / 1
K213 .B37 2023 Critical and Comparative Rhetoric : Unmasking Privilege and Power in Law and Legal Advocacy to Achieve Truth, Justice, and Equity / 2
K213 .B438 2015 法律沟通中的透明度, 权力和控制 / 1