Call Number (LC) Title Results
K2400 .G54 2017 International dispute resolution and the public policy exception / 1
K2400 .G743 2011 International Commercial Arbitration : an Asia-Pacific Perspective. 1
K2400 .G743 2011eb International commercial arbitration : an Asia-Pacific perspective / 1
K2400 .G744 1995 Dispute avoidance and dispute resolution in international environmental agreements and multilateral trade agreements : an introduction / 1
K2400 .G85 1983 Guide to arbitration and related services offered by the International Chamber of Commerce : Centre for Technical Expertise, adaptation of contracts, conciliation. 1
K2400 .G86 1994 Guide to ICC arbitration / 1
K2400 .H34 2001 The Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907 and international arbitration : reports and documents / 1
K2400 .H34i Handbook of ICC arbitration commentary, precedents, materials. 1
K2400 .H349 2022 Handbook of evidence in international commercial arbitration : key issues and concepts / 1
K2400 .H39 2021 State-to-state arbitration based on international investment agreements : scope, utility and potential / 2
K2400 .H43 2010 International commercial arbitration advocacy : a practitioner's guide for American lawyers / 1
K2400 .H45 2008eb A practical guide to international arbitration in London / 2
K2400 .H475 2018 The private-public divide in international dispute resolution / 1
K2400.H63 2014 Cross-Examination in International Arbitration. 1
K2400 .H64 1991 Commentary on the UNCITRAL arbitration rules : the application by the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal / 1
K2400 .H65 1989 A guide to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration : legislative history and commentary / 1
K2400 .H66 1978 Hommage à Frederic Eisemann : [une initiave / 1
K2400 .I22i IBA arbitration and ADR articles 1
K2400.I5 P3 2012 The history of ICSID 2
K2400 .I572 2014 International arbitration and global governance : contending theories and evidence / 1