Call Number (LC) Title Results
K2390 .W43 2013 Civility in the digital age : how companies and people can triumph over haters, trolls, bullies, and other jerks / 1
K2390eb La mediación en el derecho penal de menores / 1
K2390 ebook Arbitraje internacional y corrupción /
Arbitraje tributario en Latinoamérica : pasado, presente y prospectiva /
La negociación como un estilo de vida /
La mediación en las diversas disciplinas jurídicas /
La mediación por el mundo : un camino hacia la paz : mediación y mediadores, principios y técnicas de mediación /
La mediación : un instrumento de conciliación /
El compromiso y la cláusula compromisoria /
Análisis de conflictos familiares : un enfoque sistémico /
K2400 Arbitration in ... jurisdictions worldwide
Islamic Law and International Commercial Arbitration
Mediation in international commercial and investment disputes /
General principles of law and international investment arbitration /
Enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and the public policy exception including an analysis of South Asian state practice /
Key duties of international investment arbitrators : a transnational study of legal and ethical dilemmas /
The use of economics in international trade and investment disputes /
The three ages of international commercial arbitration /
International arbitration : a handbook /
Manifestations of coherence and investor-state arbitration /
Evidence in International Arbitration Proceedings. AIJA Law Library.
Arbitration law handbook /
Corruption and fraud in investment arbitration : procedural and substantive challenges /
International Investment Dispute Awards Facilitating Enforcement.
La clausola compromissoria nelle società /
Guide on the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards : New York 1958.
Contemporary and emerging issues on the law of damages and valuation in international investment arbitration /
An Employer's and Engineer's Guide to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract.
Towards consistency in international investment jurisprudence : a preliminary ruling system for ICSID arbitration /
The culture of international arbitration and the evolution of contract law /
The Political Economy of Investment Arbitration
ASEAN and the reform of investor-state dispute settlement : global challenges and regional options /
State immunity and international investment law /
Dispute settlement for ASEAN businesses under the Belt and Road Initiative : new possibilities and directions /
The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration : a commentary /
Mediation beim Finanzintermediär : eine Alternative zum Gerichtsprozess? Management der Reputationsrisiken von Banken durch außergerichtliche Verfahren der Streitschlichtung /
Diversity in international arbitration : why it matters and how to sustain it /
Islamic law and international commercial arbitration /
Transnational legality : stateless law and international arbitration /
Unos mismos hechos : un ensayo sobre las contradicciones fácticas en los procesos /
Security for costs in international arbitration /
The Regulation of International Commercial Arbitration Arbitrators' Duties and the Emerging Arbitral Market.
The UNCITRAL arbitration rules : a commentary : (with an integrated and comparative discussion of the 2010 and 1976 UNCITRAL arbitration rules).
K2400.A13 W7 World arbitration & mediation report. 1
K2400.A15 A73i Arbitration international 1
K2400.A15 C94 Czech (& Central European) yearbook of arbitration. 1
K2400.A15 I53i Indian journal of arbitration law 1
K2400.A15 I583i International commercial arbitration review Вестник Международного Коммерческого Арбитража 1
K2400.A15 J68i  
K2400.A15 J6846i Journal of international dispute settlement 1
K2400.A15 Y45i Yearbook on international arbitration 1
K2400 .A3 2014i Conference for a Euro-Mediterranean community of international arbitration, Marseille (France), 8 December 2014 Conférence pour une communauté euro-méditerranéenne de l'arbitrage international, Marseille (France), 8 décembre 2014 / 1
K2400.A35 S44 1999 Selected rules of international arbitration. 1
K2400.A35 U532 1985i UNCITRAL model law of international commercial arbitration a documentary history / 1
K2400.A35 U532 2008i UNCITRAL model law on international commercial arbitration with amendments as adopted in 2006 1
K2400.A35 U55 1988i To implement the Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration P.L. 100-669, 102 Stat. 3969, November 16, 1988. 1
K2400 .A37 2018 Arbitration in the digital age : the brave new world of arbitration / 1
K2400.A41958 Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards : the interpretation and application of the New York Convention by National Courts / 1
K2400.A41958 A2 1958i Final act and Convention on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards
Convention on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards