Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3165 .D36 2020i The global south and comparative constitutional law 1
K3165 .D425 2017eb Constitutional theory : Schmitt after Derrida / 2
K3165 .D43 2024 Decolonizing constitutionalism : beyond false or impossible promises / 2
K3165 .D44 2002 Defining the field of comparative constitutional law / 2
K3165 .D48 2017 Constitutional theory : Schmitt after Derrida / 1
K3165 .D53 2013 Lectures on comparative constitutionalism / 1
K3165 .D73 2020 The hollow core of constitutional theory : why we need the framers / 3
K3165 .D73 2020i The hollow core of constitutional theory why we need the framers / 1
K3165 .D863 1911i Traité de droit constitutionnel 1
K3165 .D863 1921i Traité de droit constitutionnel 1
K3165 .D863 1927i Traité de droit constitutionnel 1
K3165 .E26 2023i Economic constitutionalism in a turbulent world 1
K3165 .E37 2017 Constituents before assembly : participation, deliberation, and representation in the crafting of new constitutions / 1
K3165 .E43 2009 The endurance of national constitutions / 1
K3165.E43 2009 The Endurance of National Constitutions. 1
K3165 .E45 2009 The endurance of national constitutions / 1
K3165 .E57 2017eb Constituents before assembly : participation, deliberation, and representation in the crafting of new constitutions / 1
K3165 .E76 1927i Eléments de droit constitutionnel, français et comparé 1
K3165 E826 2017 Estudios constitucionales y parlamentarios en homenaje al profesor Jorge Tapia Valdés / 1
K3165 .F368 2014eb