Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3168 .S88 2021i Eternity clauses in democratic constitutionalism 1
K3168 .T54 2012 Constitutional referendums a theory and practice of republican deliberation /
Constitutional referendums : the theory and practice of republican deliberation /
K3168 .U53 2018 An unamendable constitution? : unamendability in constitutional democracies / 1
K3168 ebook Reforma y desmembramiento constitucional /
Formas y función de la enmienda constitucional /
Reformas constitucionales inconstitucionales : los límites al poder de reforma /
K3169 State theory and the law : an introduction /
The constitutional state
K3169 .B37 2010 The constitutional state / 1
K3169 .B37 2010i The constitutional state 1
K3169 .B6413 1991 State, society, and liberty : studies in political theory and constitutional law / 2
K3169 .B867 1927i Die Organisation der Rechtsgemeinschaft Untersuchungen über die Eigenart des Privatrechts, des Staatsrechts und des Völkerrechts / 1
K3169 .B87 1893i Political science and comparative constitutional law 1
K3169 .C66 2000eb Constitucionalismo, mundialización y crisis del concepto de soberanía algunos efectos en América Latina y en Europa / 1
K3169 .C76 2020 The legacy of pluralism : the continental jurisprudence of Santi Romano, Carl Schmitt, and Costantino Mortati / 1
K3169 .H55 1915i The people's government 1
K3169 .L85 Théorie de l'état et du droit / 1
K3169 .P667 2015eb Reason of state : law, prerogative and empire / 2
K3169 .S725 1983b An introduction to Plato's Laws / 1
K3169 .V47 2022 State theory and the law : an introduction / 1
K3169 ebook Soberanía libertad : lecciones dadas en la Universidad de Columbia (New-York) /
Ciencia política, teoría jurídica del Estado y otros escritos /
La ideología de la soberanía hacia una reconstrucción emancipadora del constitucionalismo /
La concepción del estado en la obra de Andrés Bello /
El naturalismo en la teoría del Estado y otros escritos /
Teoría del Estado /
K3171 De la constitucion a la moral conflictos entre valores en el estado constitucional.
En defensa del estado de derecho : debilidades y fortalezas del estado de derecho a propósito de las críticas de Carl Schmitt /
Transitional justice and rule of law reconstruction : a contentious relationship /
Justice constitutionnelle.
Rule of law, human rights and judicial control of power : some reflections from national and international law /
Rules on paper, rules in practice : enforcing laws and policies in the Middle East and North Africa.
Rule of law through human rights and international criminal justice : essays in honour of Adama Dieng /
The rule of law in an era of change : responses to transnational challenges and threats /
Libia y Túnez El Accidentado Camino Hacia el Estado de Derecho.
The legal doctrines of the rule of law and the legal state (Rechtsstaat) /
General principles of law and international due process principles and norms applicable in transnational disputes /
Private law and the rule of law /
The Anglo-American conception of the rule of law
Legality and legitimacy Carl Schmitt, Hans Kelsen and Hermann Heller in Weimar /
The concept of the rule of law and the European Court of Human Rights /
A matter of dispute morality, democracy, and law /
The international rule of law : rise or decline? /
Morality and responsibility of rulers : European and Chinese origins of the rule of law as justice for world order /
Fighting for Justice Common Law and Civil Law Judges: Threats and Challenges.
The rule of law : definitions, measures, patterns and causes /
Routledge handbook of the rule of law /
The rule of law and security sector reform conceptualising a complex relationship /
Building a culture of lawfulness an interdisciplinary approach to the rule of law /
En defensa del estado de derecho : debilidades y fortalezas del estado de derecho a propósito de las críticas de Carl Schmitt /
EL NEOCONSTITUCIONALISMO Y LA NORMATIVIDAD DEL DERECHO escritos de derecho constitucional y filosofia del derecho.
K3171.A15 H34i