Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3230.R45 K68 1997 Broadening the edges : refugee definition and international protection revisited / 2
K3230.R45 L363 2017 International Refugee Law / 1
K3230.R45 L49 2012 UNHCR and International Refugee Law : From Treaties to Innovation. 1
K3230.R45 L49 2012eb UNHCR and international refugee law : from treaties to innovation / 1
K3230.R45 M38 1989 Closing the doors : the failure of refugee protection / 1
K3230.R45 M38 2012 Reworking the Relationship between Asylum and Employment. 1
K3230.R45 M38 2012eb Reworking the relationship between asylum and employment 1
K3230.R45 M39 2016 The concept of climate migration advocacy and its prospects /
The concept of climate migration : advocacy and its prospects /
K3230.R45 M39 2016i The concept of climate migration advocacy and its prospects / 1
K3230.R45 M43 2022 The constitutionalization of human rights law : implications for refugees / 1
K3230.R45 M45 2022i The constitutionalization of human rights law implications for refugees / 1
K3230.R45 M689 2020 The Refugee Status of Persons with Disabilities 1
K3230.R45 P56 1995 Asylum : a moral dilemma / 2
K3230.R45 P76 1996 The problem of refugees in the light of contemporary international law issues / 1
K3230.R45 R43 1997 Reconceiving international refugee law / 2
K3230.R45 R438 2003 The Refugee Convention at fifty : a view from forced migration studies / 1
K3230.R45 R439 2016i Refugee law and policy in selected countries 1
K3230.R45 R44 1989 Refugee law and policy : international and U.S. responses / 1
K3230.R45 R44 2016 Regional approaches to the protection of asylum seekers : an international legal perspective / 1
K3230.R45 R4414 1999 Refugee law in context : the exclusion clause / 1