Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3240.4 .H8343 1997 Human rights for the 21st century / 1
K3240.4 .H8346 1998 Human rights in action : monitoring compliance through treaty bodies and special rapporteurs. 1
K3240.4 .H835 1984 Human rights in international law : legal and policy issues / 1
K3240.4 .H836 1986 Human rights : from rhetoric to reality / 1
K3240.4 .H838 1989 Human rights in the world community : issues and action / 1
K3240.4 .H838 1992 Human rights in the world community : issues and action / 2
K3240.4 .H84 Human rights, international law, and the Helsinki Accord / 1
K3240.4 .H844 1992 The United Nations and human rights : a critical appraisal / 1
K3240.4 .H845 no. 9 Internally displaced persons : compilation and analysis of legal norms / 1
K3240.4 .H845 no. 10 Protection of the heritage of indigenous people / 1
K3240.4 .H847 1999 Human rights : the essential reference / 1
K3240.4 .H85 1984 Human rights & the United Nations : a great adventure / 1
K3240.4 .H85 no. 3 (Rev. 1) Advisory services and technical assistance in the field of human rights. 1
K3240.4 .H86 1985 Human rights in international law : legal and policy issues / 1
K3240.4 .H86 1989 No distant millenium : the international law of human rights / 1
K3240.4 .H86 no. 6 (rev. 2)  
K3240.4 .H866 Human rights machinery. 1
K3240.4 .H867 1987 Human rights : questions and answers. 1
K3240.4 .H867 1987a Derechos humanos : preguntas y respuestas. 1
K3240.4 .I46x 1996 The International Bill of Human Rights. 1