Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3496 .W38 2011 Water on the table / 2
K3496 .W38 2014i Water and the law towards sustainability / 1
K3496 .W38 2021i Water law 1
K3496 .W3818 2007 El agua y los pueblos indígenas / 1
K3496 .W385 2010 Water law for the twenty-first century : national and international aspects of water law reform in India / 1
K3496 .W387 2005 Water resources and international law = Les ressources en eau et le droit international / 1
K3496 .W388 2013 Water trading and global water scarcity : international experiences / 1
K3496 .W45 2013 International law for a water-scarce world / 1
K3498 Promoting equity, cooperation and innovation in the fields of transboundary waters and natural resources management : the legacy of Dr. David J.H. Phillips /
Complexity of transboundary water conflicts : enabling conditions for negotiating contingent resolutions /
Water law, poverty, and development water sector reforms in India /
Fondamenti per un diritto delle acque dolci.
K3498.A12 F666 1984 Systematic index of international water resources treaties, declarations, acts, and cases, by basin. Répertoire systématique par bassin de traités, déclarations, textes législatifs, et jurisprudence concernant les ressources en eau internationales. Tome II. = Repertorio sistematico por cuenca de convenios, declaraciones, textos legislativos, y jurisprudencia relativos a los recursos hidricos internacionales. Tomo II. 1
K3498.A12 S97 1978i Systematic index of international water resources treaties, declarations, acts, and cases by basin Répertoire systématique par bassin de traités, déclarations, textes législatifs, et jurisprudence concernant les ressources en eau internationales. [T. 1] = Repertorio sistematico por cuenca de convenios, declaraciones, textos legislativos, y jurisprudencia relativos a los recursos hidricos internacionales. [T. 1] 1
K3498 .B372 2007 Blue covenant : the global water crisis and the coming battle for the right to water / 1
K3498 .B373 2002 Blue gold : the fight to stop the corporate theft of the world's water / 1
K3498 .C493 2017 Charting the water regulatory future : issues, challenges and directions / 1
K3498 .C747 2017 Perfiles de la ordenaciòn jurìdica del agua en Italia, España y América Latina : In coedizione con Tirant Lo Blanch. 1
K3498.D39 2017 International Investment Law and Water Resources Management : an Appraisal of Indirect Expropriation. 1
K3498 .D45 2001 Water projects : a commercial and contractual guide / 1
K3498 .F57 2009 The law and governance of water resources : the challenge of sustainability / 2
K3498 .F74 2005 Fresh water and international economic law / 1
K3498 .G87 2023 Human rights discourse on dams, displacement and resettlement / 1