Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3571 -- R44 2008eb Reglamento sanitario internacional (2005). 1
K3572 .D43 2007 Death rites and rights / 1
K3572 .L39 1991 Sepulcra familiaria : un'indagine epigrafico-giuridica / 1
K3572 .R53 1893i The law of cremation an outline of the law relating to cremation ancient and modern, together with the rules and regulations of various cremation societies at home and abroad / 1
K3573 .G76 2011eb Sustainable waste trade under WTO law : chances and risks of the legal frameworks' regulation of transboundary movements of wastes / 1
K3574 .E33 2021 Declaring a public health emergency of international concern : between international law and politics / 2
K3574 .P36 2021 Pandemic legalities : legal responses to COVID-19 - justice and social responsibility /
Pandemic legalities : legal responses to COVID-19 : justice and social responsibility /
K3575.A43 VIH y accesibilidad en tiempos de crisis / 1
K3575.A43 A5 1989 Legislative responses to AIDS / 1
K3575.A43 C43 2008 Legal responses to HIV and AIDS / 1
K3575.A43 C64 1990 Double jeopardy--threat to life and human rights : discrimination against persons with AIDS / 1
K3575.A43 ebook Diseño y desarrollo de un programa de seguimiento integral de pacientes VIH+ : monitorización y atención farmacéutica / 1
K3575.A43 G67 1997 Human rights and public health in the AIDS pandemic / 2
K3575.A43.G67 1997eb Human Rights and Public Health in the AIDS Pandemic. 1
K3575.A43 I58 1992 International law and AIDS : international response, current issues, and future directions / 1
K3575.A43 I95 2020 Legalize Positivity / 1
K3575.A43 L436 2007 Legal Aspects of HIV/AIDS : a Guide for Policy and Law Reform.
Legal Aspects of HIV/AIDS a Guide for Policy and Law Reform.
K3575.A43 L44 1998 Legal responses to AIDS in comparative perspective / 1
K3575.A43 L44 2007 Legal aspects of HIV/AIDS : a guide for policy and law reform / 1
K3575.A43.W38 1999eb Handbook for Legislators on Hiv/Aids, Law and Human Rights : Action to Combat Hiv/Aids in View of Its Devastating Human Economic and Social Impact. 1