Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3611.G46 Regulation of genome editing in human iPS cells a comparative legal analysis of national regulatory frameworks for IPSC-based cell/gene therapies /
Rewriting nature : the future of genome editing and how to bridge the gap between law and science /
Protecting the genetic self from biometric threats : autonomy, identity, and genetic privacy /
Equitable access to human biological resources in developing countries : benefit sharing without undue inducement /
GMOs and political stance : global GMO regulation, certification, labeling, and consumer preferences /
New technologies and human rights
Genetic discrimination : transatlantic perspectives on the case for a European-level legal response /
A law of blood-ties-- the 'right' to access genetic ancestry /
K3611.G46 B47 2010 Justice in genetics : intellectual property and human rights from a cosmopolitan liberal perspective / 1
K3611.G46 B48 2018 Between moral hazard and legal uncertainty : ethical, legal and societal challenges of human genome editing / 1
K3611.G46 B53 2012eb Bioethics, medicine, and the criminal law : the criminal law and bioethical conflict : walking the tightrope / 1
K3611.G46 B56 2013 Bioinformatics law : legal issues for computational biology in the post-genome era / 1
K3611.G46 B56 2022i Bioinformatics, medical informatics and the law 1
K3611.G46 B68 2006 Property rights in blood, genes & data : naturally yours? / 1
K3611.G46 B68 2006eb Property rights in blood, genes & data : naturally yours? / 1
K3611.G46 B88 2018 The human genome as common heritage of mankind / 1
K3611.G46 B88 2018eb The human genome as common heritage of mankind / 1
K3611.G46 C36 2010 Genetics, molecular biology and the law / 1
K3611.G46 C386 1997eb Código de leyes sobre genética / 1
K3611.G46 C66 2021 Consumer genetic technologies : ethical and legal considerations / 3
K3611.G46 C66 2021i Consumer genetic technologies ethical and legal considerations / 1
K3611.G46 C75 Controlling technology : genetic engineering and the law / 1
K3611.G46 D48 2017eb The umbilical cord blood : controversies in medical law / 2
K3611.G46 D53 2007 Property in the body : feminist perspectives / 1
K3611.G46 D575 2009 Disclosure dilemmas : ethics of genetic prognosis after the 'right to know/not to know' debate / 1
K3611.G46 D575 2016 Disclosure dilemmas : ethics of genetic prognosis after the 'right to know/not to know' debate / 1
K3611.G46 E57 2021 Rewriting nature : the future of genome editing and how to bridge the gap between law and science / 1