Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3791 .S36 2009 The restitution of cultural assets : causes of action, obstacles to restitution, developments / 1
K3791 .S73 2011 Cultural property law and restitution : a commentary to international conventions and European Union law / 1
K3791 .S77 1995 The protection of the underwater cultural heritage : an emerging objective of the contemporary law of the sea / 2
K3791 .S78 2019 Indigenous sacred natural sites and spiritual governance : the legal case of juristic personhood / 1
K3791 .T37 2016 The return of cultural artefacts : hard and soft law approaches / 1
K3791 .T449 2018 La Protection Internationale du Patrimoine Culturel de la Mer. 1
K3791 .T73 2023 Transboundary heritage and Intellectual property law : safeguarding intangible cultural heritage / 1
K3791 .T86 2022 Repatriation of sacred indigenous cultural heritage and the law : lessons from the United States and Canada / 1
K3791 U75 2008 Utimut : past heritage - future partnerships, discussions on repatriation in the 21st Century / 1
K3791 .V32 2023 Cultural heritage in international economic law / 1
K3791 .V33 2014 Cultural Heritage in International Investment Law and Arbitration. 2
K3791 .V47 2017 La protección del patrimonio cultural contra el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales /
La protección del patrimonio cultural contra el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales
K3791 .V73 2006 International law, museums and the return of cultural objects / 1
K3791 .W75 2020 Protecting traditional knowledge : lessons from global case studies / 1
K3791 ebook Patrimonio cultural de interés religioso (católico) y nuevos usos : comparación del derecho español, italiano y francés / 1
K3795 Archival legislation, 1981-1994 = Législation archivistique, 1981-1994 / 1
K3820 The Roles of International Law in Development
Emerging powers, global justice and international economic law : reformers of an unjust order? /
Infrastructure : new trajectories in law /
Regional Trade and Economic Integration : Analytical Insights and Policy Options.
Research handbook on global justice and international economic law
Economic Law as an Economic Good : Its Rule Function and its Tool Function in the Competition of Systems.
Human right to water and international economic law /
Law and development and the global discourses of legal transfers /
WTO security exceptions in practice and scholarship : curtailing "trump cards" through proportionality /
Law and development balancing principles and values /
International development law rule of law, human rights, and global finance /
Positive sum : improving North-South negotiations /
K3820-3836 Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2017 : Shifting Forms and Levels of Cooperation in International Economic Law: Structural Developments in Trade, Investment and Financial Regulation / 1
K3820-3836KZ6440-653 International investment law and the law of armed conflict 1
K3820.A35 B37 1990 Basic documents of international economic law / 1