Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3830 .K36 2021i International investment law and legal theory expropriation and the fragmentation of sources / 1
K3830 .K38 2020 Investor-state dispute settlement and national courts : current framework and reform options / 1
K3830 .K46 2022 International law and renewable energy investment in the global south / 1
K3830 .K56 2006 Investment disputes under NAFTA : an annotated guide to NAFTA Chapter 11 / 1
K3830 .K57 2013i Applicable law in investor-state arbitration the interplay between national and international law / 1
K3830 .K58 2021 The protection of intellectual property rights under international investment law / 1
K3830 .K69 2020 Foreign investor misconduct in international investment law / 1
K3830 .K69 2021 Foreign investor misconduct in international investment law / 1
K3830 .K76 1972 Protection of foreign investment; a study in international law, 1
K3830 .K85 2012 Global public interest in international investment law / 1
K3830 .K85 2012eb Global Public Interest in International Investment Law. 2
K3830 .L34 1967 International trade, investment, and organization, 1
K3830 .L44 2021 The legitimacy of investment arbitration : empirical perspectives / 2
K3830 .L52 2018 International investment law and arbitration : commentary, awards, and other materials / 1
K3830 .L57 1985 Standing guard : protecting foreign capital in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries / 1
K3830 .L583 2014 Litigating international investment disputes : a practitioner's guide / 1
K3830 .M275 2019 International investment law and globalization : foreign investment, responsibilities and intergovernmental organizations / 1
K3830 .M35 2008 International investment arbitration : substantive principles / 1
K3830 .M35 2017 International investment arbitration : substantive principles / 1