Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3927 .P65 2009eb When cooperation fails : the international law and politics of genetically modified foods / 1
K3927 .R44 2010 The regulation of genetically modified organisms : comparative approaches / 2
K3927 .R44 2010i The regulation of genetically modified organisms comparative approaches / 1
K3927 .S69 2017 Biotechnology regulation and trade / 1
K3927 .S69 2017eb Biotechnology regulation and trade / 1
K3927 .S74 2018 Advancing food integrity : GMO regulation, agroecology, and urban agriculture / 1
K3927 .W35 2011 Eco crime and genetically modified food / 1
K3927 .W35 2011eb Eco crime and genetically modified food / 2
K3935 .R63 2008 The little red book of wine law : a case of legal issues / 1
K3935 .W56 2021 Wine law and policy : from national terroirs to a global market / 1
K3941 Regulatory Barriers and the Principle of Non-discrimination in World Trade Law : Past, Present, and Future.
The WTO Case Law of 2003 : the American Law Institute Reporters' Studies /
K3941.A37 U55 1980i U.S.-China agreements September 17, 1980. 1
K3941 .B33 2004 Trade and freedom / 1
K3941 .E57 Law and economic reform in socialist countries. 1
K3941 .G55 The legal framework of trade between the USSR and the People's Republic of China 1
K3941 .I58 2000 International economic negotiations : models versus reality / 1
K3941 .L69 2002 International economic law / 1
K3941 .L69 2008 International economic law / 1
K3941 .P65 2002 The political economy of international trade law : essays in honor of Robert E. Hudec / 1
K3941 .P65 2002eb The political economy of international trade law : essays in honor of Robert E. Hudec / 2