Call Number (LC) Title Results
K3943 .K58 1985 International codes and multinational business : setting guidelines for international business operations / 1
K3943 .L382 2011 Law and development perspective on international trade law / 1
K3943 .L383 2010 Law and economics of contingent protection in international trade / 1
K3943 .L386 2011eb Law and development perspective on international trade law / 1
K3943 .L389 2010eb Law and economics of contingent protection in international trade / 1
K3943 .L39 2005 Law in the service of human dignity : essays in honour of Florentino Feliciano / 1
K3943 .L39 2005eb Law in the service of human dignity : essays in honour of Florentino Feliciano / 2
K3943 .L39 2020 Law and diplomacy in the management of EU-Asia trade and investment relations / 1
K3943 .L42 2019 Solutions for sustainability how the international trade, energy and climate change regimes can help / 1
K3943 .L428 2009 Reclaiming development in the world trading system / 1
K3943 .L43 1999 Legal aspects of international trade / 1
K3943 .L44 Legal controls of import and industrial licensing; a selective survey of legal and administrative rules. 1
K3943 .L453 1999 Legal aspects of international trade / 1
K3943 .L68 2020 The global economic order : the international law and politics of the financial and monetary system / 1
K3943 .L68 2020i The global economic order the international law and politics of the financial and monetary system / 1
K3943 .M35 2011 Making global trade governance work for development : perspectives and priorities from developing countries / 1
K3943 .M38 2016 The regulation of international trade / 1
K3943 .M38 2020 The regulation of international trade. 1
K3943 .M393 2016eb The regulation of international trade. 4
K3943 .M4 1982 International trade regulation : GATT, the United States, and the European Community / 1