Call Number (LC) Title Results
K4345 .B47 2018 The internet, warts and all : free speech, privacy and truth / 1
K4345 .B47 2018eb The internet, warts and all : free speech, privacy and truth / 1
K4345 .D46 2014 The global war for internet governance /
The global war for Internet governance /
K4345 .G69 2023 The networked leviathan : for democratic platforms / 2
K4345 .H37 2020 Global standard-setting in internet governance / 1
K4345 .H37 2020i Global standard setting in internet governance 1
K4345 .I588 2012 Investigating cyber law and cyber ethics : issues, impacts and practices / 1
K4345 .K36 2023 The law and practice of global ICT standardization / 2
K4345 .K48 2020 The normative order of the internet : a theory of rule and regulation online / 1
K4345 .L53 2021 Human rights and the Internet / 1
K4345 .M37 2017 Network neutrality : From policy to law to regulation /
Network neutrality : from policy to law to regulation /
K4345 .O97 2020 The Oxford handbook of online intermediary liability / 1
K4345 .P65 2021 Judicial protection of fundamental rights on the internet : a road towards digital constitutionalism? / 1
K4345 .P655 2021 Judicial Protection of Fundamental Rights on the Internet A Road Towards Digital Constitutionalism? 1
K4345 .S63 2021 Social media in legal practice / 2
K4345 .S93 2022 Internet law : a concise guide to regulation around the world / 2
K4345 ebook El derecho a la información, fake news y las respuestas del derecho : la tutela judicial efectiva ante la lesión a los derechos personalísimos por internet / 1
K4360 .C66 1985 Competition policy and the professions. 1
K4360 .I58 1996 International trade in professional services : assessing barriers and encouraging reform. 1
K4360 .I58 2016 International rule of law and professional ethics 1