Call Number (LC) Title Results
K46 .N5 7482 Recent divorce statistics. Address before the Ohio Divorce Reform League delivered at its first annual meeting, December 6th, 1884 / 1
K46.N5 7482 Recent divorce statistics. Address before the Ohio Divorce Reform League delivered at its first annual meeting, December 6th, 1884 / 1
K46 .N5 7483 Affinity no bar to marriage 1
K46.N5 7483 Affinity no bar to marriage 1
K46 .N5 7484 Leviticus XVIII and marriage between affines 1
K46.N5 7484 Leviticus XVIII and marriage between affines 1
K46 .N5 7485-7487 Syllabus of the Hon. Henry D. Harlan's lectures on the law of domestic relations 1
K46.N5 7485-7487 Syllabus of the Hon. Henry D. Harlan's lectures on the law of domestic relations 1
K46 .N5 7488 A letter to the Honorable Judge Story, LL. D discovering and correcting the errors of Blackstone and his editors, on the theory of human genealogy and kindred, and destroying the concomitant fallacious inductions of eternal pre-existing population, and the physical necessity of crime, by the doctrine of infinite series : with remarks on the nuptial connections of the first human generation / 1
K46.N5 7488 A letter to the Honorable Judge Story, LL. D discovering and correcting the errors of Blackstone and his editors, on the theory of human genealogy and kindred, and destroying the concomitant fallacious inductions of eternal pre-existing population, and the physical necessity of crime, by the doctrine of infinite series : with remarks on the nuptial connections of the first human generation / 1
K46 .N5 7489 Legal disabilities of married women in Connecticut 1
K46.N5 7489 Legal disabilities of married women in Connecticut 1
K46 .N5 7490-7492 Marriage and divorce in physical, psychical, moral, and social relations, according to the law, natural and revealed / 1
K46.N5 7490-7492 Marriage and divorce in physical, psychical, moral, and social relations, according to the law, natural and revealed / 1
K46 .N5 7493 Browne's divorce and its consequences 1
K46.N5 7493 Browne's divorce and its consequences 1
K46 .N5 7494 Our divorce courts their origin and history, why they are needed, how they are abused, and how they may be reformed / 1
K46.N5 7494 Our divorce courts their origin and history, why they are needed, how they are abused, and how they may be reformed / 1
K46 .N5 7495 The married women's statutes and their results upon divorce and society an essay read before the Social Science Club at Clinton, February 19, 1884 / 1
K46.N5 7495 The married women's statutes and their results upon divorce and society an essay read before the Social Science Club at Clinton, February 19, 1884 / 1