Call Number (LC) Title Results
K487.E3 Q4 2018 Análisis económico del derecho / 1
K487.E3 R44 2015 Regulatory transformations : rethinking economy-society interactions / 1
K487.E3 R469 2016eb Reshaping markets : economic governance, the global financial crisis and liberal utopia / 2
K487.E3 R4693 2018 Research handbook on behavioral law and economics / 1
K487.E3 R4693 2018i Research handbook on behavioral law and economics 1
K487.E3 R47 2013 Research handbook on economic models of law / 1
K487.E3 R477 2015 Research handbook on political economy and law / 1
K487.E3 R477 2015i Research handbook on political economy and law 1
K487.E3 R66 2014 Ronald H. Coase. 1
K487.E3 R68 2021 Business law and economics for civil law systems. 1
K487.E3 S25 2011 A legal theory of economic power : implications for social and economic development / 1
K487.E3 S26 2002 Economics, governance, and law : essays on theory and policy / 1
K487.E3 S34 1988 Legal secrets : equality and efficiency in the common law / 1
K487.E3 S36 2007eb The legal-economic nexus : fundamental processes / 1
K487.E3 S37 2022i The economic analysis of civil law 1
K487.E3 S38 Law and economics : an institutional perspective / 1
K487.E3 S38 2004 The triumph of Venus : the erotics of the market / 1
K487.E3 S38 2004eb The triumph of Venus : the erotics of the market / 1
K487.E3 S44 1996 Microeconomic predicates to law and economics / 1
K487.E3 S528 2004 Economic analysis of law / 1