Call Number (LC) Title Results
K5 .U74i  
K5 .U75 European law review. 1
K5.U75 European law review. 1
Your match would be here.
K5 .U763i European company and financial law review (ECFR) 1
K5.U763i European company and financial law review (ECFR) 1
K5 .U7635i European competition and regulatory law review (CoRe) 1
K5.U7635i European competition and regulatory law review (CoRe) 1
K5 .U764i European competition journal 1
K5.U764i European competition journal 1
K5 .U7643i European constitutional law review 1
K5.U7643i European constitutional law review 1
K5 .U76435i European criminal law review
European data protection law review (EDPL)
K5.U76435i European criminal law review
European data protection law review (EDPL)
K5 .U76436i European energy & climate journal 1
K5.U76436i European energy & climate journal 1
K5 .U7645i European food and feed law review 1
K5.U7645i European food and feed law review 1
K5 .U764535i European insurance law review Revija za pravo osiguranja = Evropska revija za pravo osiguranja. 1
K5.U764535i European insurance law review Revija za pravo osiguranja = Evropska revija za pravo osiguranja. 1