Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
K5015 .C369 2007i | Global issues in criminal law | 1 |
K5015 .D55 2022i | Preparing for war the making of the 1949 Geneva Conventions. | 1 |
K5015 .G744 2022i | Assessing the Harms of Crime a new framework for criminal policy / | 1 |
K5015 ebook | De los delitos y de las penas / | 1 |
K5015.4 |
Consensual Procedures in Criminal Law - Comparative Perspective Onati International Series in Law and Society : Regulating Deviance : The Redirection of Criminalisation and the Futures of Criminal Law. DERECHO PENAL DEL ENEMIGO. Criminal Law & Criminal Justice : an Introduction. In ordine sparso : Il diritto penale, oggi. The global prosecution of core crimes under international law / Jurisprudence of International Criminal Justice. The constitution of the criminal law El gobierno de la penalidad : la complejidad de la política criminal contemporánea / Studi in onore di Mauro Ronco / Sul bene giuridico : un consuntivo critico / Le fonti rivisitate : appunti di diritto penale / Domesticating international criminal law : reflections on the Italian and German experiences / Criminal legalities and minorities in the global south : rights and resistance in a decolonial world / Investigating and preventing crime in the digital era : new safeguards, new rights / Leading works in criminal law / Ubungen im Strafrecht / The boundaries of the criminal law Criminalization : the political morality of the criminal law / The making of international criminal justice a view from the bench : selected speeches / Foundational texts in modern criminal law / The dual penal state : the crisis of criminal law in comparative-historical perspective / The structures of criminal law Derecho penal especial Delitos contra la vida y la integridad personal. Criminal law-making theory and practice / Crime, punishment, and responsibility the jurisprudence of Antony Duff / Principles of international criminal law. |
27 |
K5015.4 A282 2018 | Derecho penal aplicado : parte especial, delitos contra el patrimonio y contra el orden socioeconómico / | 1 |
K5015.4.A5 | On Crimes and Punishments and Other Writings | 1 |
K5015.4.A5 B4313 1769i | An essay on crimes and punishments | 1 |
K5015.4.A5 B4313 1785i | An essay on crimes and punishments | 1 |
K5015.4.A5 B4313 1809i | An essay on crimes & punishments | 1 |
K5015.4.A5 B4313 1872i | An essay on crimes and punishments | 1 |
K5015.4.A5 B4313 2009eb | On crimes and punishments / | 1 |
K5015.4.A5 B433 1770i | Opere diverse del marchese Cesare Beccaria Bonesana, patrizio milanese | 1 |
K5015.4.A5 .B433 2008 | On Crimes and Punishments and Other Writings. | 1 |
K5015.4.A5 D57 1729i | A view of ancient laws, against immorality and profaneness under the following heads; lewdness; profane swearing, cursing, and blasphemy; perjury; prophanation of days devoted to religion; contempt or neglect of divine service; drunkenness; gaming; idleness, vagrancy, and begging; stage-plays and players; and duelling : collected from the Jewish, Roman, Greek, Gothic, Lombard, and other laws, down to the middle of the eleventh century / | 1 |
K5015.4 .A75 1987 | Eastern importation of Western criminal law : Thailand as a case study / | 1 |
K5015.4 .B37 1973 | A treatise on international criminal law / | 1 |
K5015.4 .B68 2010 | The boundaries of the criminal law / | 1 |
K5015.4 .B68 2010i | The boundaries of the criminal law | 1 |
K5015.4 .C63 2016 | Codification, Macaulay and the Indian Penal Code the legacies and modern challenges of criminal law reform / | 1 |