Call Number (LC) Title Results
K5015.4 .E826 2015 Estudios sobre el Código Penal reformado (Leyes Orgánicas 1/2015 y 2/2015). 1
K5015.4 .F4718 Principios de derecho criminal : delicuente y delito en la ciencia, en la legislación y en la jurisprudencia / 1
K5015.4 F478 2016 Festschrift für Wilhelm Sauer zu seinem 70. Geburtstag am 24. Juni 1949 : Mit Bibliographie / 1
K5015.4 .F56 2010 Beyond punishment : achieving international criminal justice / 1
K5015.4 .F57 2012eb Moral accountability and international criminal law : holding agents of atrocity accountable to the world / 1
K5015.4.F58 1998 Basic Concepts of Criminal Law. 1
K5015.4 .F58 1998 Basic concepts of criminal law / 1
K5015.4 .G79 1977 Social protection code : a new model of criminal justice / 1
K5015.4 .H35 2010 A modern treatise on the principle of legality in criminal law 1
K5015.4 .H36 2011 The handbook of comparative criminal law / 1
K5015.4 .H3635 2011eb The handbook of comparative criminal law / 1
K5015.4 .I345 2017eb I delitti dei pubblici ufficiali contro la Pubblica Amministrazione : Estratto dal V volume del Trattato Teorico-Pratico di Diritto Penale Reati contro la pubblica amministrazione e contro l'amministrazione della giustizia. 1
K5015.4 .I58 2000 International criminal law : a collection of international and European instruments / 1
K5015.4 .I58 2005 International criminal law : a collection of international and European instruments / 1
K5015.4 .J331 2015 La reforma penal de 2015 : análisis de las principales reformas introducidas en el Código Penal por las Leyes Orgánicas 1 y 2/2015, de 30 de marzo / 1
K5015.4 .J53 2014eb China and international human rights : harsh punishments in the context of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights / 1
K5015.4 .L69 Materials on comparative criminal law as based upon the penal codes of Ethiopia and Switzerland. 1
K5015.4 .L8314 1892i Le droit pénal et les nouvelles théories 1
K5015.4 .M35 2014 Jurisprudence of international criminal justice / 1
K5015.4 .M5818 1857i Tratado de la prueba en materia criminal ó esposicion comparada de los principios en materia criminal : y de sus diversas aplicaciones en Alemania, Francia, Inglaterra, etc., etc. / 1