Call Number (LC) Title Results
K5215 ebook La posesión como delito y la función del elemento subjetivo : reflexiones desde una perspectiva comparada /
Abuso Del Mercado Una Aproximación Desde el Derecho Comparado.
Crímenes excelentes : delitos de cuello blanco, crimen organizado y corrupción /
K5215.5 Responsabilidad penal internacional en el ciberespacio / 1
K5215.5 .L87 2018 Industry of anonymity : inside the business of cybercrime / 1
K5215.5 .W65 2018 You'll see this message when it is too late : the legal and economic aftermath of cybersecurity breaches / 1
Your match would be here.
K5216 Extraterritoriality and international bribery : a collective action perspective /
Anti-corruption compliance : a guide for small and mid-sized organizations /
The impact of corruption on international commercial contracts /
K5216.A41997 D46 2014 Anti-bribery laws in common law jurisdictions /
Anti-bribery laws in common law jurisdictions
K5216.A41997 O33 2007 The OECD convention on bribery : a commentary / 1
K5216.A41997 O33 2007eb The OECD convention on bribery : a commentary / 1
K5216.A41997 O33 2014eb The OECD Convention on bribery : a commentary / 1
K5216.A6 A58 2013 Anti-corruption policy : can international actors play a constructive role? / 2
K5216 .A928 2019 Abuse of companies / 1
K5216 .B73 2013i The private sector, peacebuilding and the international anti-corruption agenda 1
K5216 .B75 2007 Bribery in public procurement methods, actors and counter-measures. 1
K5216.C36 2018 Corruption in Commercial Enterprise : Law, Theory, and Practice. 2
K5216 .C36 2018eb  
K5216 .C36 2021i The Cambridge handbook of compliance 1
K5216 .C67 2020 Corruption, integrity and the law : global regulatory challenges / 2
K5216 .C76 2018eb Corporate criminality and liability for fraud / 2
K5216 .D38 2019 Between impunity and imperialism : the regulation of transnational bribery / 2
K5216 .D38 2019i Between impunity and imperialism the regulation of transnational bribery / 1