Call Number (LC) Title Results
K5301.F665 2011 Forging a Convention for Crimes Against Humanity. 1
K5301 .F76 2004 From sovereign impunity to international accountability : the search for justice in a world of states / 2
K5301 .F76 2004eb From sovereign impunity to international accountability : the search for justice in a world of states / 1
K5301 .G46 2009 The gender of reparations : unsettling sexual hierarchies while redressing human rights violations / 3
K5301 .G76 2010 Prosecuting international crimes and human rights abuses committed against children leading international court cases / 1
K5301 .H39 2010 Judging war, judging history : behind truth and reconciliation / 1
K5301 .H57 1948i History of the United Nations War Crimes Commission and the development of the laws of war 1
K5301 .I5 1968 In the name of America; the conduct of the war in Vietnam by the armed forces of the United States as shown by published reports, compared with the laws of war binding on the United States Government and on its citizens. 1
K5301 .I583 2010 International criminal law and philosophy / 1
K5301 .I587 2010eb An introduction to international criminal law and procedure / 1
K5301 .J66 2008 Crimes against humanity : a beginner's guide / 1
K5301 .J67 2000 The responsibility of states for international crimes / 1
K5301 .J87 2003 Justice for crimes against humanity / 1
K5301 -- J875 2003eb Justice for Crimes Against Humanity. 1
K5301 .J877 2007 La justice pénale internationale : 2002 / 1
K5301 .K44 1950 Crimes against international law / 1
K5301 .K45 2005 Nowhere to hide : defeat of the sovereign immunity defense for crimes of genocide and the trials of Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein / 2
K5301 .K63 1998 Prelude to Nuremberg : Allied war crimes policy and the question of punishment / 1
K5301.K73 2010 War Crimes, Genocide, and the Law : a Guide to the Issues. 1
K5301 .L3 2008 War crimes in internal armed conflicts / 1