Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
K552 .M66 2021 | Advanced introduction to comparative legal methods / | 1 |
K552 .O78 2004 |
The enigma of comparative law : variations on a theme for the twenty-first century / The enigma of comparative law variations on a theme for the twenty-first century / |
2 |
K552 .S29 2007eb | Democracy and legal change / | 1 |
K552 .S39 2007 | Democracy and legal change / | 1 |
K555 |
Current issues of comparative law general contributions of 2018 Fukuoka Congress = Questions actuelles de droit comparé : contributions générales du Congrès de Fukuoka 2018 / Derecho privado y modernización : América Latina y Europa en la primera mitad del siglo XX / Transformative law and public policy / Comparative law and multicultural legal classes challenge or opportunity? / Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Governance, and Social Justice (ICoLGaS 2023) Twelfth Conference of the International Bar Association. : Dublin, Ireland, July 11-15, 1968. / Zukunftsperspektiven der Rechtsvergleichung Law and democracy in the empire of force / Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Law, Social, and Political Science (ICSP 2023) / |
10 |
K555 .A54 2001 | Anglo-Japanese Academy proceedings : Anglo-Japanese Academy Workshop for Young Social Scientists, 4-6 and 9 September 2001 and Conference on National, Regional and Global Transition : a common agenda for Anglo-Japanese relations in the twenty-first century, 7-8 September 2001. | 1 |
K555 .A54 2006 | Globalisation, regionalisation and national policy systems : proceedings of the second Anglo-Japanese Academy, 7-11 January 2006. | 1 |
K555 .C668 1991 | Contemporary international law issues, sharing Pan-European and American perspectives : proceedings of the joint conference held in the Hague, the Netherlands, July 4-6, 1991 / | 1 |
K555 .C668 1993 | Contemporary international law issues : opportunities at a time of momentous change : proceedings of the second joint conference held in The Hague, The Netherlands, July 22-24, 1993 / | 1 |
K555 .C668 1994 | Contemporary international law issues : opportunities at a time of momentous change : proceedings of the second joint conference held in The Hague, The Netherlands, July 22-24, 1993 / | 1 |
K555 .C668 1996 | Contemporary international law issues : conflicts and convergence : proceedings of the third Joint Conference held in The Hague, The Netherlands, July 13-15, 1995. | 1 |
K555 .C668 1997 | Contemporary international law issues : new forms, new applications : proceedings of the fourth Hague Joint Conference held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 2-5 July 1997. | 1 |
K555 .C668 2004 | From government to governance : the growing impact of non-state actors on the international and European legal system : proceedings of the sixth Hague joint conference held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 3-5 July 2003 / | 1 |
K555 .C668 2007 | International institutional reform : proceedings of the Seventh Hague Joint Conference held in The Hague, The Netherlands 30 June - 2 July 2005 / | 1 |
K555 .C668 2009 | Criminal jurisdiction 100 years after the 1907 Hague Peace Conference : proceedings of the Eighth Hague Joint Conference held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 28 - 30 June 2007 / | 1 |
K555 .I48 2014eb | General reports of the XIXth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative law = Rapports Généraux du XIXème Congrès de l'Académie Internatinale de Droit Comparé / | 1 |
K555.I52 | Netherlands reports to the XIth International Congress of Comparative Law, Caracas 1982 = Rapports néerlandais pour le onzième Congrès international de droit comparé, Caracas, 1982 / | 1 |
K555 .I58 1950-54f | Études de droit contemporain :b contributions françaises aux IIIe et IVe Congrès internationaux de droit comparé | 1 |
K555 .I58 1958 | Rapports généraux au Ve Congrès international de droit comparé, Bruxelles, 4-9 août 1958 / | 1 |
K555 .I58 1958a | Texto de las ponencias españolas publicadas : en la Revista del Instituto de derecho comparado. | 1 |