Call Number (LC) Title Results
K559 .B48 1897x Resumo das licções de legislação comparada sobre o direito privado 1
K559 .C36 2012 The Cambridge companion to comparative law / 1
K559 .C58 2021 Civil case management in the twenty-first century : court structures still matter / 1
K559 .C646 2007 Comparative law : a handbook / 1
K559 .C65 2002 Comparative law : an introduction / 1
K559 .C656 2016i Comparative law and regulation understanding the global regulatory process / 1
K559 .C657 2012 Comparative law and society / 1
K559 .C66 2003 Comparative legal studies : traditions and transitions / 1
K559 .C66 2003eb Comparative legal studies : traditions and transitions / 1
K559 .C67 2019 Modern law and otherness : the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in comparative legal thought / 1
K559 .C68 2015 Courts and comparative law / 1
K559 C68 2015i Courts and comparative law 1
K559 .D28 Traité élémentaire de droit civil comparé : introduction à l̓étude des droits étrangers et à la méthode comparative / 1
K559 .D4 1995 Comparative law in a changing world / 1
K559 .D4 1999 Comparative law in a changing world / 1
K559 .D4 2007 Comparative law in a changing world / 1
K559 .D42 1993 A modern approach to comparative law / 1
K559 .E47 Comparative legal cultures / 1
K559 .F73 2016i Comparative law as critique 1
K559 .G545 2000 Legal traditions of the world : sustainable diversity in law / 2