K561 B928 2017
El concepto de justicia / |
2 |
K561 .C65 1994
Comparability and evaluation : essays on comparative law, private international law, and international commercial arbitration, in honour of Dimitra Kokkini-Iatridou / |
2 |
K561 .C654 1990
Comparative and private international law : essays in honor of John Henry Merryman on his seventieth birthday / |
1 |
K561 .C656 2020
Comparative law : mixes, movements, and metaphors / |
2 |
K561 .C6565 2012
Comparative law as transnational law a decade of the German law journal / |
2 |
K561 .C658 1992
Comparative legal cultures / |
1 |
K561 .C67 2022
A cosmopolitan jurisprudence : essays in memory of H. Patrick Glenn / |
2 |
K561 .C67 2022i
A cosmopolitan jurisprudence essays in memory of H. Patrick Glenn / |
1 |
K561 .D59 1965
Jesting Pilate, and other papers and addresses. |
1 |
K561 .D85 1877i
Addresses by Theodore W. Dwight and Charles O'Conor, before the graduating class of Columbia College Law School, at the annual commencement, on Wednesday, May 16, 1877 |
1 |
K561 .E8 1983eb
Essays on international & comparative law in honour of Judge Erades / |
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K561 .E87 2002i
Essays in honor of Hans Kelsen celebrating the 90th anniversary of his birth / |
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K561 .E88
Études en droit comparé = Essays in comparative law : volume publié à l'occasion du septième Congrès international de droit comparé / |
1 |
K561 .F468 2010
Fervet opus : liber amicorum--Anton van Kalmthout / |
1 |
K561 .F47
Festschrift für Ernst Rabel. |
1 |
K561 G215 2007eb
De iure uerrino : el derecho, el aderezo culinario y el augurio de los nombres / |
1 |
K561 .G66 1997
Good government and law : legal and institutional reform in developing countries / |
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K561 G774 2007eb
Interpretación y aplicación del derecho / |
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K561 .H37 2014eb
Body law and the body of law : a comparative study of social norm inclusion in Norwegian and American laws / |
1 |
K561 .I57 2015eb
International law and its discontents : confronting crises / |
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