Call Number (LC) Title Results
K561 .J64 2018 The John F. Sonnett Memorial Lectures at Fordham University School of Law : a half-century of advocacy and judicial perspectives / 2
K561 .K56 1995 Selected writings on comparative and private international law / 1
K561 .K56 1995i Selected writings on comparative and private international law 1
K561 .L3834 2013 Law and disciplinarity : thinking beyond borders / 2
K561 .L39 1959i Law in a troubled world a lecture series presented by Cleveland College and the Franklin Thomas Backus School of Law, Western Reserve University, fall, 1958. 1
K561 .L39 2002 Law and justice in a multistate world : essays in honor of Arthur T. von Mehren / 1
K561 .L44 1935i Legal essays in tribute to Orrin Kip McMurray 1
K561 .L44 2003 Legal culture in the age of globalization : Latin America and Latin Europe / 1
K561.L443 2016 Legal Argumentation and the Rule of Law. 1
K561 L864 2010eb La profesión va por dentro. 1
K561 .M295 2010 Making transnational law work in the global economy : essays in honour of Detlev Vagts / 1
K561.M35 L43 1875 Lectures on the early history of institutions / 1
K561.M35 L43 1893 Lectures on the early history of institutions / 1
K561 .M353 2010 Making transnational law work in the global economy : essays in honour of Detlev Vagts / 1
K561 .M45 Mélanges offerts à Jacques Maury. 1
K561 .M48 2014 The method and culture of comparative law : essays in honour of Mark Van Hoecke / 1
K561 .M491 2003eb Daños corporales y Carta Magna repercusión de la doctrina constitucional sobre el funcionamiento del sistema valorativo, el rango relevante de las circunstancias excepcionales de índole dañosa, perjuicios morales y lucro cesante / 1
K561 .M55 2007 On villainy / 1
K561 .M68 2006 Perspectives on comparative law and jurisprudence / 1
K561 .P37 2018 The past, present and future of comparative law : ceremony of 15 May 2017 in honour of 5 great comparatists = Le passé, le présent et le futur du droit comparé : Cérémonie du 15 mai 2017 en l'honneur de 5 grands comparatistes / 1