Call Number (LC) Title Results
K639 .D35 2018 Children, autonomy and the courts : beyond the right to be heard / 2
K639 D431 2018 Derechos fundamentales de los menores : (Desarrollo de la personalidad en la infancia y la adolescencia) / 1
K639 .D48 2000 A children's rights glossary : based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child ; a companion volume to the International children's rights thesaurus / 1
K639 .D484 2007 Developmental and autonomy rights of children : empowering children, caregivers and communities / 1
K639 .D55 2000 International children's rights thesaurus / 1
K639 .D57 2020 Discovering childhood in international relations / 2
K639 .E33 2006 Article 27 : the right to an adequate standard of living / 1
K639 .E373 2006 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 24 : the Right to Health. 1
K639 .F38 2018 Protecting children in armed conflict / 1
K639 .F74 2020 A Magna Carta for children? : rethinking children's rights / 1
K639 .F74 2020i A Magna Carta for Children? Rethinking Children's Rights / 1
K639 .F744 2018 Children's Rights. 1
K639 .F96 2019 Fundamental rights and best interests of the child in transnational families / 1
K639 .H63 1998 Implementation handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child / 1
K639 .H66 2021 Looking at law through children's eyes 1
K639 .H67 2021 Looking at law through children's eyes / 1
K639 .H86 2016 The human rights of children : from visions to implementation / 1
K639 I431 2011eb Infancias Judicializadas : itinerarios de niños bajo tutela judicial / 1
K639 .I48 1995 Implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child : resource mobilization in low-income countries / 1
K639 .I5 2001 In the best interest of the child : conflict resolution for and by children and juveniles / 1